K5 Busa running very rich


Yoshi RS3 slip-ons

The richness smell at idle/cruise was always there since i bought the bike about 6 months ago.

The guy i bought it off had already done the slip-ons and filter before i bought it and never tuned, although i would have thought it would run leaner with these mods?

Ive put about 5000kms on it since, but its only been the last couple of rides ive noticed the smell is getting worse.

It doesn’t splutter, foul plugs or blow black smoke. Doesnt miss a beat really, just smells very rich when i pull up at lights and at cruise. Can nearly smell raw fuel.

Friends behind me complain of burning eyes lol.

I can only get 30MPG max!

I havent had a real good look at vacuum leaks yet, although the idle does play around a little i.e setting the idle screw will only give me a choice of 1000rpm or 1500rpm...

Any ideas?
Welcome to the oRg. Does it have a power commander on it? A tune would really help you.
I also forgot to mention it has a Gipro ATRE.

No PC, bike is stock except for ATRE, Yoshi slip-ons and K&N.

Throttles were balanced 1000kms ago along with the valve clearances and new plugs.
Thanks for the reply!

It doesnt have a PC but i should have mentioned it has a Gipro ATRE.

Throttles were balanced along with the valve clearances and plugs changed about 1000kms ago.

I might try first taking the ATRE off first as i know it can make the busa's run richer, but its getting progressively worse. That to me doesnt make sense being the ATRE.
Thanks for the reply!

It doesnt have a PC but i should have mentioned it has a Gipro ATRE.

Throttles were balanced along with the valve clearances and plugs changed about 1000kms ago.

I might try first taking the ATRE off first as i know it can make the busa's run richer, but its getting progressively worse. That to me doesnt make sense being the ATRE.

TRE's are notorious for causing problems in Busas.
The problems caused can come on out of the blue too.
Unplug the TRE and go for a ride and see if it improves.
TRE's are notorious for causing problems in Busas.
The problems caused can come on out of the blue too.
Unplug the TRE and go for a ride and see if it improves.

I Turned the ATRE off (Without disconnecting/you can turn the ATRE function on and off) and let it idle for 1/2 hr. Smells a little better but im not sure how rich these bikes smell normally.

Also after 1/2 hr of constant idling she got a bit hot. Went right up to the red and the light came on. Thats where i turned it off lol. Ive never seen it get that hot before, but then again ive never really sat in traffic for too long either. Never seen it get past halfway really, but it sat at half way for a while then started to climb all the way to the H. Fan comes on normally at about half way but i dont think its good enough to keep it cool once it gets that hot. She was boiling when i turned her off, bubbling in the overflow.
Checked everything today. Vacuum lines, no error codes, TPS is in the middle, cleaned air filter, removed TRE. The only thing i havent tested is the fuel regulator. From looking around on the internet, i cant see anybody who has ever had a fuel regulator fail?
Pulled the plugs today. The picture is taken with the plugs in the same orientation to the cylinders they came out of.

The colours are all over the place... Whats causing this?

Im noticing once exhaust blacker than the other now. Hence the black plug on the right.

This can be caused by a clogged injector. I just went through it. The injector was dropping gas into the cylinder instead of spraying it. The bike hesitated on rev, jumped around while riding but was fine if you got into the throttle. Get a good light over the top of the throttle bodies, turn the ignition on and check the spray. As far as the over heating, letting a busa sit and idle for 30 minutes is like running a drag car on 87 octane. It's just not meant to be. Check your fan and your fluid. Next time put a fan in front of the radiator and try to notice if the gauge rises over half, drops back down and then over heats, or if it over heats immediately.