keeping it cooler,...


i kno many people that just do the second radiation fan mod, and ive heard about alot of people that use either engine ice or mocool liquid and it keeps it cooler, ever from people that took off their oil cooler out...... anyones input to which?
i just bought a second fan. installing it this weekend. and i run water wetter in my radiator
i switched first to engine ice. helped a little but what made a huge difference was when i put the lower temp switch and a muzzy blade. ive made several passes back to back at the drag strip and the temp gauge never went above half way. i found no need for a second fan after doing this.
whats a lower temp switch?

its located on the radiator on the left side. it monitors the temp of the radiator fluid and turns the fan on when the temp reaches i think something like 225 degrees or whatever the stock temp gauge is. dont remember exactly. the lower temp switch turns the fan on at something like 15 degrees. so it just turns on the fan sooner so it helps by starting to cool sooner.... i got it from one of the sponser websites but i remember a thread that said something about a certain model of honda civic or something that had the identical fitting switch that will do the same thing for less. i think i paid like $40 maybe.
its located on the radiator on the left side. it monitors the temp of the radiator fluid and turns the fan on when the temp reaches i think something like 225 degrees or whatever the stock temp gauge is. dont remember exactly. the lower temp switch turns the fan on at something like 15 degrees. so it just turns on the fan sooner so it helps by starting to cool sooner.... i got it from one of the sponser websites but i remember a thread that said something about a certain model of honda civic or something that had the identical fitting switch that will do the same thing for less. i think i paid like $40 maybe.

so i can just adjust that sensor?
the honda temp sensor is not adjustable. The benefit is that it is the same size (mm) as the oe sensor so it's an easy replacement to install. The honda sensor kicks the fans on sooner at a lower temp than the oe one and keeps the fans going until the coolant temp has dropped more than the oe sensor. Dual fans is always a good idea on a gen1.
As far as engine ice... for me, it may no improvement over just running water and water wetter. I haven't tried the mocol one yet but it sounds promising.
im thinking of adding a tiny bit more of water wetter. Im not noticing too much of a cooler difference
the honda temp sensor is not adjustable. The benefit is that it is the same size (mm) as the oe sensor so it's an easy replacement to install. The honda sensor kicks the fans on sooner at a lower temp than the oe one and keeps the fans going until the coolant temp has dropped more than the oe sensor. Dual fans is always a good idea on a gen1.
As far as engine ice... for me, it may no improvement over just running water and water wetter. I haven't tried the mocol one yet but it sounds promising.

I just bought a second fan with a muzzy blade im installing in the next week or two. i plan of getting a second muzzy blade for my stock fan
I'm not a big fan of the aluminum fan because the blades aren't as close to the rad as the OE fan blades. I always bend the aluminum blades to add a little more pitch to them and get them closer to the rad.
Dual fans work great with muzzy fans and wet wetter! I bought the set up from a board member and for a Gen 1 its' needed! I haven't switch sensors and can tell you I haven't been pass half yet! JM2C!