Kinda freaked out??!!!


Killin' is my business, a
Donating Member

Just downloaded and watched Saw 2. Holy crap the writer must've had a really screwed up childhood. My question is this how could someone really think of this crap up. I mean it makes for a good movie but damn.

Anyways, my review for this movie

I give it a 10 a flucking 10.

I think it was better than the first. You never know what is gonna happen next, and if you can think of it....THEN YOU NEED PHYSCIATRIC HELP.

That is my .02

I saw SawII also, really good movie... I really like the message the writers send out(no not the do this in order to live part) but don't take life for granted...
Didn't see I, but may with the reviews you all are giving it.

Just downloaded and watched Saw 2. Holy crap the writer must've had a really screwed up childhood. My question is this how could someone really think of this crap up. I mean it makes for a good movie but damn.

Anyways, my review for this movie

I give it a 10 a flucking 10.

I think it was better than the first. You never know what is gonna happen next, and if you can think of it....THEN YOU NEED PHYSCIATRIC HELP.

That is my .02

All of us have a little evil inside of us..

Some more than others..

Some allow that evil to over take them.. they allow it to control them and they succumb to that evil and pursue it in all of its forms

Some are able to not allow it to get hold.. they can ignore it… and they have control over it and go about their lives realizing it is not what we think that defines us and makes us who we are.. it is how we react and respond to the thoughts in our heads

And yet others can tap into that evil and use it to combat evil…

In order to catch a criminal.. you have to be able to think like a criminal.. and if you can think like a criminal.. there is a fine line that you walk between good and evil..

Sometimes people on the good side of things spend so much time in the minds of evil trying to fight it,.. that they eventually fall prey to the same evil they have fought all their lives..

ANYONE can think of twisted stuff.. it is in ALL of us.. just some pretend it is not there. That it doesn’t exist.. but it is there.. in all of us….

At least in me I know of all the evil things in my heart.. all the evil things I ponder. I know that there is a precious fine line that we walk on daily basis…..

And again I must give thanks to God that he gives me the power to overcome all of my wickedness….
i worry about WHY it makes for good "entertainment"? tell your therapist you enjoy watching sick, twisted demented stuff and see what they say
I saw it opening night in the theater. SOLD out. ended up sitting beside some 10 yr old kids....

movie is absolutely demented. (sp) Very sick minds came up with that movie. I also give it a 10
i worry about WHY it makes for good "entertainment"?  tell your therapist you enjoy watching sick, twisted demented stuff and see what they say
Everybody has a little of every type of wierd quirk in them. Most people just never let it surface. And watching it happen on the screen is way better than watching or doing it yourself.
I loved SAW, but I hated SAW II.  The ending was not up to par with the first.  I could not stop the New Kids on the Block images from flashing through my head...

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Damn, Thrash. Are you sure you're not a closet philosopher or something? VERY nice synopsis. I think you'd LOVE the book, "An Essay on Morals" by Philip Wylie. If you get a chance, go find it and read it. I think you'll be highly captivated by it.

Saw II is a great movie, btw. Highly recommended to you horror buffs out there!
