Knock on low end


im noticing a light knock between 1200-maybe 2200 rpm
my motors only got 9k miles
i did put 20w50

rebuild time?
how to know w/o splitting cases
compression test ? all cylinders should be within 10% of each other , if not dead even . is it just a knock or have you nlost power also ? i am running 20w50 also , with no issues ?
runs fantastic
went 130 yesterday

last time i changed oil, when i started it up, it sounded terrible...
im screwed, huh..

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if performance isnt efected , probably not ? but i would check oil level/oil pressure, and a compression test wont hurt and will usualy tell you whats goin on ? hopefully its somthin easy ? one of the motor guys might be able to help more , i am sure sombody else will post up . are you using any nitrous ?
no nitro
i only hear it when ive been riding a while
just now i ran it till it got to normal op temp and it sounded ok...
thanks for the help guys
i dont wanna run it till it gets worse, and therefore more expensive.
I can tell you that if you spun a bearing you would be taking her to 130 the sound would make you sick...
Go back to 10-40 and see if the noise changes
chances are it's just slack in the timing chain.
sometimes this presents itself when the tensioner isn't working properly. if it's the factory one...get an APE or similar manual adjuster....they are much cheaper and more accurate than OEM.

my motor also makes a similar noise every now and then....but I know that I have been VERY good to my motor with oil changes and adjustments.

if it really bothers you, try dropping the oild pan and examining it....a spun bearing may leave larger pieces.....or cut open your existing filter (carefully!)

my guess would still be to check the tensioner's only about 40.00 plus a gasket!

could also check the clutch basket too!...

nothing like trying to shadetree over the web!
ya, i dont know about screwin with the pan or tensioner
changin oil/brakes is about as heavy as i like to go

just dont wanna tear it up any worse than it might be already
but on the other hand, i know if i take it to some shops 'round here, theyre gonna screw me hard
ya, i dont know about screwin with the pan or tensioner
changin oil/brakes is about as heavy as i like to go

just dont wanna tear it up any worse than it might be already
but on the other hand, i know if i take it to some shops 'round here, theyre gonna screw me hard did ask for things easier than splitting the cases.


it's easier than it sounds.....really.
yea i got a shop wont do me too bad on a pan drop

i lived in st pete once
in fact they prolly still want me
they wanted to search our apt w/o a warrant
we refused
they jailed us for disorderly intox in our own apt
never paid the c--ksuckers their $

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