Lets not forget to take care of our own


Donating Member
"Gator Motors" 540-910-0911

GMbusa's shop. He's donated a few times to help us out.

Give him a call if you need something.

He has helped the site,and its members lots of times.

Maybe we can toss him back some business.

He's good people.

Thanks...da Rubb.
"Gator Motors" 540-910-0911

GMbusa's shop.  He's donated a few times to help us out.

Give him a call if you need something.

He has helped the site,and its members lots of times.

Maybe we can toss him back some business.

He's good people.

Thanks...da Rubb.
Yes this would be nice along with our sponsors. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE AND YOU GET BACK DOUBLE WHEN THE SITE IS HELPED OUT. Don't always look for the cheapest price that you can find, although many times you will still find very good pricing on the site anyway.
Good point NE. The site sponsors are mentioned in the "Good Guy" thread in random,and there banners are up all around.They are there for a reason. The Captain has checked them out and qualified them to be YOUR parts suppliers.

They will work with you BIGTIME.

Click a sponsor or call one of our "site friends" like GMbusa....the easy way to get good parts at great prices.
RSD does he have a web site?
I will check for you Gunny...right now.
If I'd have known it wass you that called his shop, I woulda tried something funny when I answered.

Pauls a GREAT guy to deal with, I get all my parts through him, He goes out of his way for customers. Awesome guy. One of my best friends.