Lets see your Garages


Donating Member
I just found another post about Garages after I made this one. I did a search first but it didnt come up. So I apologize in advance.

Im just curious to see how everyone has their garage laid out. How about posting pics?


I just built this house so I am still unpacking. I never did much with my old garage, but I think this may be my last  house.
I am currently revamping my Busa's home. All new paint on the walls and a new epoxy floor. I am wondering if I should set the bright white walls off whith some red trim on the cabinets?
I also took up 1/4 of the area and built a small guitar room---man cave if you will. A semi sound reduction area where my freinds and I can plug in our axes and jam a little. Pics will be up in a few days after completion.
ok thats just not fair. that garage is way too clean. and way to big compared to mine!!!! I have to go outside to change my mind!!!!! nice though. ill get a pic up later for it and you will see what i mean
(arm1151 @ Feb. 14 2007,05:19) I am currently revamping my Busa's home. All new paint on the walls and a new epoxy floor. I am wondering if I should set the bright white walls off whith some red trim on the cabinets?
I also took up 1/4 of the area and built a small guitar room---man cave if you will. A semi sound reduction area where my freinds and I can plug in our axes and jam a little.   Pics will be up in a few days after completion.
if the walls are white i suggest you paint them
Nice lookin' floor...mine's just plain concrete...........................for now
