Of course he was bullshidding you!(tjdobb @ Oct. 02 2006,16:12) The LE's have a very high tech special paint that cuts through the air better than anything in the world. Cuts the CD ( coeffient drag ) down from .436 stock to .00000012 with the special paint. Much much faster.
NO NO thats what the dealer told me, thats why it was $ 45,000 and I got a heck of a deal @ $ 35,000. I know I have the only one with the special paint because there could only be one bull sh*tter in the world that could come up with that one.(omslaw @ Oct. 04 2006,19:27)Of course he was bullshidding you!(tjdobb @ Oct. 02 2006,16:12) The LE's have a very high tech special paint that cuts through the air better than anything in the world. Cuts the CD ( coeffient drag ) down from .436 stock to .00000012 with the special paint. Much much faster.
Everyone KNOWS that the Blue/Silver paint has the lowest CD out there - that's why it's the FASTEST COLOR!
Like my 600(usn04limited @ Oct. 03 2006,23:42) I bet he got a great deal on it too, OTD for $12,500.
Stop telling peaple that.. busa's will be striped of there paint and re-sprayed.... if there happy with there color as slow as they may be so be it(tjdobb @ Oct. 02 2006,14:12) Yep its true, the dealer was supposed to tell him not to let the secret out though or everbody would know it and update to the limited edition Busa's. Some people just cant keep there mouths shut. Well since he opened his mouth we will let you in on the secret.
The LE's have a very high tech special paint that cuts through the air better than anything in the world. Cuts the CD ( coeffient drag ) down from .436 stock to .00000012 with the special paint. Much much faster.
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(Big Bo @ Oct. 02 2006,05:51) Also his bike hit 214mph, has a 4 into 1, and a pc.
I heard there were only two made and I have one of them(Big Bo @ Oct. 02 2006,13:51) A buddy of mine was at a service station and met a guy on a Silver 06 LE. Guy told my buddy that the Silver LE is VERY LIMITED. That most Busa owners don`t know about the VERY LIMITED bikes. Also only 5-6 are released per state.
Also his bike hit 214mph, has a 4 into 1, and a pc.
I said that I doubt it, but I thought that I would ask?
and I have the other one LOL(g17 @ Oct. 10 2006,15:18)I heard there were only two made and I have one of them(Big Bo @ Oct. 02 2006,13:51) A buddy of mine was at a service station and met a guy on a Silver 06 LE. Guy told my buddy that the Silver LE is VERY LIMITED. That most Busa owners don`t know about the VERY LIMITED bikes. Also only 5-6 are released per state.
Also his bike hit 214mph, has a 4 into 1, and a pc.
I said that I doubt it, but I thought that I would ask?