Look what i found on ebay


Busa Rancher
Donating Member
I apologize in advance if Nick or anyone that was in the video is selling this they have the rights but if someone else copped this then it's just wrong
here is the link

Viper busa Video on Ebay

Dose anyone else see anything a bit wrong with this? just curious
Cool video!
If that is not his partner that is just F'ed up. But people will do just about anything to make a $$$
yeah i know i'm surprise someone thats closer to them hasn't chimed in yet i mean no disrecpect if it's there video but if someone hacked that just goes to show how low people can go i guess:angry:
think that is his legit partner.
i concer (i think thats how u spell that)
It's concur, but we know what you mean.
Besides... I think he meant conquer...

Would anyone else acquiesce?

Obfuscation and gyration... That all stems from my erudite background. Alas, it is floccinaucinihilipilification, and I digress. If I am not careful, one of you rueful observers will defenestrate my lugubrious apparition.


-the Omniscient one.
i would imagine since the auction says this right in it that its legit.......

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