So I'm looking for a new helmet, my budget is sub $500. Here are the features that I want, I wanted to see if anyone would offer their opinion on what helmets out there have these features that I'm after.
Modular (but will settle for full face if other features are met)
Minimum noise or chinguard
Graphic (but will settle for solid gloss or matte if other features are met)
Speaker pockets (just bought a Sena10c and will be looking to motovlog)
Sun visor (optional)
What do you guys think? Is there a helmet out there for me? I currently use my old KBC helmet made in 2004....
Modular (but will settle for full face if other features are met)
Minimum noise or chinguard
Graphic (but will settle for solid gloss or matte if other features are met)
Speaker pockets (just bought a Sena10c and will be looking to motovlog)
Sun visor (optional)
What do you guys think? Is there a helmet out there for me? I currently use my old KBC helmet made in 2004....