looking for helmet ideas based on size


ive currently been using a HJC FS-15 Carbon Size XL. ive had this helmet for 3 years or so. im clumsy, its had far more drops from about 2 feet or so (dropped from hand) than i cant count, knocked into door ways walking, and 2 falls on the bike mirror while sitting.

the helmet has scrapes, and even a weird little crack in it, under the coating.....

the time has come for a new helmet, and it just so happened my parents would like to get me a new one for my birthday. (they are spending within reason obviously)

the HJC fit quite well! (minus i got it 1 size to big and the cheek pads now completely broken make the helmet to large)

Cons: all the vents broke, and the rear one came unglued....wind noise as always would be improved

does anyone with HJC experience know any other brands within comparable price range (200-300$ range) that would be better?

*yes i know ill have to try them out in store ( we have 1 within a decent distant) but nothing good like an official helmet fitter who are pros at it
was just looking at the RF-1100 for 349$ will research them a bit.

also see alot of reviews on EXO-1100