Looking for Painting Tips


Donating Member
To the painters,

I plan on painting a design on my fender and hump.

Here is the plan...scuff clear with scotch brite aroound 600 grit, wipe with prep sol and tack rag, mask, spray, shade.

Now at this point does anyone spray a layer of blending clear or base coat without pigment/mica...before the first coat of clear?

I have read that any protruding aluminium or mica effects should be sealed prior to clear...I know the first few coats of clear will burry the high points. Something else I do is over reduce the last few coats of color to get a smooth look, does this create problems?

The reason I am asking...the last paint job I did, when I put on the second coat of clear down it started to bubble up around the artwork, like I put striper on it. It was a sad sight, I started over, waited two days fo color to dry, then put on the clear...no issues.

Thanks, Ryan
I dont think I would spray a base clear. If your art work paint is compatable with the over-all clear you wouldnt need it. Also when starting, if the surface is smooth , I'd just sand /wet ( I prefer) with 1000...Then art work ,then final clear.. Your other art work that took two days sounds like something wasnt compatable..Was it a lacquer? Good luck
The primer is dp epoxy, urathane base and a 2k iso clear...sometimes I have good results...sometimes around the design the clear seems to bite in and lift the color/base coat. I have been to a bunch of paint schools...but any ideas are welcome.

I'm no expert, BUT have done some pretty nice paint jobs in the past.. A friend of mine that does airbrush work told/ taught me something to remember. Paint is sold by companies, they want your $$. so they make rules for you to fallow.. WORK THE PAINT THE WAY YOU WANT , THROW THE RULES AWAY AND AND JUST DO IT.. BLEND IT MIX IT SHOOT AN AREA , SEE HOW IT ACTS . IF ITS WORKING OK , PAINT WITH IT! example. I mixed some different paints together (?18) years ago, painted my truck and , maybe waxed it twice ( In the FL. heat) and it still looks fair today.. Try that with factory paint.. GOOD LUCK!