Loves these Dash Cams

whats a matter Tom did I make u look stupid by u trying to bash the police once again? yea I cud post thousands of videos from the internet on how dash cams have helped the police in solving deadly force situations. so whats ur point?

if ur under the assumption that the police do not make mistakes in judgement and use excessive force from time to time then you really need to crawl from under the rock uve been hiding under and come back to reality....

I'm really starting to think u ran ur mouth to the wrong cop when u were younger and he cleaned ur clock as a result. apparently it didn't do anything to help you tho.
Problem is from both sides. Not that particular video posted. Cops live on edge with traffic stops these days because of stuff like the other videos posted.
Tough decision to make when your life can be on the line.

That cop did make the wrong decisions though. There has been cops who made the wrong decision and it cost them their lives. Man what a horrible shot he was. Probably better he isn't going to be a police man any more. 4 shots and he only got a leg? Outside military, police generally should have good training too?

Pretty much all Tom posted was latest news of a police officer making a bad decision. Anyone with a half of brain knows there is good and bad in every field. Just not every field involves bullets flying.