Low dyno #'s


well I finished my install on a used kit with a mitsubishi turbo, looks verny similar to a hahn kit. Running stock injectors with a PCII, bov, external wastegate, fmu. I have a very generic map that is dumping to much fuel and is taking out 5 degrees of timing at 100% throttle. Two runs @ 190hp, 121 ft.lbs., a\f was 17.5 (super rich). From idle to WOT the bike is rich, FMU is set a 40psi and spikes to around 90+. Any one have a good turbo map for 6lbs and a similar setup? Very dissapointed with 190hp was hoping for low 200's, please any help would be most appriciated. Also my boost guage is hooked up to three of the throttle bodies and the needle shakes vilently not smooth any way to fix that?


Hey guys, Jeremy misread the graph. The 17.5 to 1 was written at the top of the print out. It was the air/fuel after James (dyno guy) closed the throttle after making the pull. The air/fuel went fat, fat, fat from 6500 - 7800. It pegged the meter at 10.0 to 1. At the top of the pull (11300 rpms) it was running at 12.0 to 1. It runs super rich down low and cleans up in the upper rpm range. When the bike was making it’s pull it was blowing a lot of fuel out of the exhaust.

The bike also runs rich at idle and "normal" riding (no boost). When it was idling on the dyno, the a/f was 12.3 - 12.6 to 1. Normally it should be idling around 16.0 - 17.0 to 1. The map he is using doesn't have any changes down low, so if anyone has some ideas or a PC 2 map that can help that would be much appreciated.
sorry guys, that a/f was way off, superman has it right. Anyway my dyno run was also done in 5th gear, don't know if that matters, and the dyno had no interia brake on it but the bike did seem to build boost but like i said earlier the boost guage needle shakes rapidly so its hard to read.
i bought a digital gauge cause of the shaky needle thing. another option is liquid filled gauge. standard gauges tend to take a beating.
12.5:1 at idle is fine (little rich but keeps bike cooler)
i like mine to idle at 13.5:1 actually
16-17:1 at idle is too lean and wont run if barely

it sounds like your map sensor might be hooked up wrong?
it sounds like it needs tuned by a capable tuner
12.5:1 at idle is fine (little rich but keeps bike cooler)
i like mine to idle at 13.5:1 actually
16-17:1 at idle is too lean and wont run if barely

it sounds like your map sensor might be hooked up wrong?
it sounds like it needs tuned by a capable tuner

My busa is stock and idles at 17.3 to 1.....I also have a turbocharged Mustang that makes 650 hp. It also idles and cruises around 17.0 to 1. When I go into boost with it the a/f is 11.2 to 1 (93 octane pump gas) and I run anything from 12 to 18 lbs of boost on it.

I hear what you're saying about it running cooler, BUT the factory runs them lean for a reason (emissions and fuel economy). Plus running 12 to 1 a/f makes your eyes water if you are setting next to it at a stoplight.

It is possible the map sensor is hooked up wrong. Jeremy and I was talking about that earlier tonight. He said he was going to check on that, so he should be chiming in very soon about how he has it hook up as I cannot remember how it is hooked up.

As for a capable tuner in our area...:whistle:...I'm going to keep my mouth shut.
My busa is stock and idles at 17.3 to 1.....I also have a turbocharged Mustang that makes 650 hp. It also idles and cruises around 17.0 to 1. When I go into boost with it the a/f is 11.2 to 1 (93 octane pump gas) and I run anything from 12 to 18 lbs of boost on it.

I hear what you're saying about it running cooler, BUT the factory runs them lean for a reason (emissions and fuel economy). Plus running 12 to 1 a/f makes your eyes water if you are setting next to it at a stoplight.

It is possible the map sensor is hooked up wrong. Jeremy and I was talking about that earlier tonight. He said he was going to check on that, so he should be chiming in very soon about how he has it hook up as I cannot remember how it is hooked up.

As for a capable tuner in our area...:whistle:...I'm going to keep my mouth shut.

a car is different
and the stock busa has the aid of a pair valve pumping air into the exhaust thats why it shows that lean
we tune one of our bikes (running standalone) to 14:1 a/f and is getting 42-45 MPG out of boost and he has gotten it to run great like that at that a/f
no maps out there? I find that hard to believe, I just want a good starting point, maybe a mr turbo map or RCC....something..please someone help me out with a good 6lb turbo map