Low mileage clutch/gearbox


Talk to me about the clutch / gearbox. I've got only about 400 miles on my gen 3. I thought I had a bubble in the hydraulic clutch line, just gave it a conventional bleed. Line and fluid seem clear.

But in neutral on a rear stand and with the engine running, the back tire still gently rolls. And when I ride it I sometimes have to really jam it into first. The rest of the gears are okay. I have high quality levers on it, maxed out, and I don't think they are the issue.

I figure I either have one big bubble in the slave or master cylinder, or maybe first gear simply needs to wear in a little? My gen one could be like this as well... Any comments most welcome.
Every bike I’ve ever owned would slightly roll when on the rear stand and engine running… rev it and it really starts moving. I’ve always thought this was normal.

Like you my Gen3 won’t go into first sometimes but I’ve narrowed it down to me downshifting repeatedly while coming to a stop. If I clutch out on each down shift it’s fine at take off but if I click down to N a few times before letting the clutch out then the issue appears.

Adapt and overcome is what I’ve done.
Every bike I’ve ever owned would slightly roll when on the rear stand and engine running… rev it and it really starts moving. I’ve always thought this was normal.

Like you my Gen3 won’t go into first sometimes but I’ve narrowed it down to me downshifting repeatedly while coming to a stop. If I clutch out on each down shift it’s fine at take off but if I click down to N a few times before letting the clutch out then the issue appears.

Adapt and overcome is what I’ve done.
Thanks. It's a relief knowing it's not just my bike. And a great tip, will try.