lowering the bike


this has probably been aked befrore, but i did do a search on it
i know how to do the rear with the links, but i need to know how to do the front
and i might have to say im not to mechanicaly inclined so some picts would be nice or a good walk through

thanks for the adivce
You can either strap it or buy an aftermarket triple tree...
2 ways to lower the front. 1 with a strap, but would only recommend that for the track. 2 with an aftermarket triple tree that will allow you to raise the forks through it.
yeah i know about the straps, but i dont want to go that way
so where do i get an aftermarket tripple tree, and how much do they run about

There are lots of aftermarket triple trees out there. Here's one from Diamond PowerSports.

There is always the 3rd option Reapers risers/ 4 spacers and 4 bolts then slide the forks up to meet the clamp.
Why do you want to lower the front? If it's for racing, just buy a strap, put a zip tie around the pull end and lower when needed. Very cost-effective!
you can also buy pingle spacers that go in the triple tree that will lower it. i think they cost about 50 bucks.. the lowering trees can be had on ebay for about 120 bucks. Straps i wouldnt ride with one of those things around the street its hard to make a sharp slow turn with them. What i usuall do is pull the strap when i park it though makes it look cool
I don't think you want the bike lowered while in the curves...I have the front strapped...When on the track I slam it...When on the street it's released best of both worlds...
actually havin the front lowered will help on teh twisties. just make sure the back is raised up. or youll be painting plastics or replacing engine cases
yeah thats what im sayin i would like to lower it when racin
but i know its not good for riddin the curves
and we have a cruzin strip and would like to have the look just to show off lol
what do u mean raised up in the back you talkin stock, or in the middle of lowering dogs if you have the adjustable ones?View attachment 595546
So lowering the front 1 1/4 and lowering the rear 1 1/2 would cause me to paint the fairings? I mean I would have to go off a curb or something to hit that I think???
yeah thats what im sayin i would like to lower it when racin
but i know its not good for riddin the curves
and we have a cruzin strip and would like to have the look just to show off lol
what do u mean raised up in the back you talkin stock, or in the middle of lowering dogs if you have the adjustable ones?
Buy a strap, they're only like $20 from Schnitz Racing, if you don't like it sell it. I loosen it up for street riding, hit your brakes and pull, and you're slammed. It'll fit most any street bike, so if you hate it you'll have no problem getting your money back out of it.
in raising the rear i mean higher than stock by way of sv dog bones. As for paint yes i do mean fairing if your turning on the right and case if the left i went out with my bike lowerd 1 1/2in the rear and now have a scrape on my engine case from a left hander. if your talking about just street crusing then slam the hell out of it but if your talking about twisties you may want to take it easy on the curbs or jack the rear up