Had a great time, great to see everyone again, Karen & Warbird..yup I said it, Butters-great riding with you, glad you enjoyed the 600 its the fastest I have EVER seen you ride

Semi and Ace, always a pleasure to see you both..and still in love

Grumpy's all my love be good Anastasia hope to see you again soon!
Frog, Peregrine,Mrdroo, Kenny, Hooken, Josh, Pappy get well soon old man!, NCbusa(see ya soon Chris!), ChrisJp hang in there brother...youre right theyre not supposed to like you bro..I got yer back..;
Jet Li (((((he's still awesome)))))))) and of course Mrs. Jet Li, Gixerhp and Jen -Way to ride it girlie! and all the peeps who's name I forgot..
Oh and if you gave Do3 money for my wheels he ripped you off

Or at least...wait I better make sure John has them shouldnt i????
GREAT seeing everyone, and everyone that WASNT THERE WE MISSED YOU !!!!!!!!!!!
Im gonna go nap now