


Jamie...You have mail.

The Red&Grey did catch your eye.. Come on now
Kawi man admit it. She's not all that ugly, you picked her out of a crowd.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 10 April 2000).]

Hey man, saw a red ZX12R today (sunday the 9th) in Newcumberland. I'm not good with road names but, the main drag through Newcumberland, the road that Nick's is on, it was one block closer to the Susq. river. Like I said, I'm not good with road names but it was the road there were it is super wide and people park in the spaces in the center of the street. I almost stoped but I didn't want to look like a squid.

To everyone else,
I know, ZX12s are everywhere now but other than Lyle's Busa and that 12 I never see anything bigger than a 600 in this area. I never see any other bikes when I'm on my bike either.

E mail me, we'll ride.
I'm waiting on some stuff for my bike but I'm trying to make that Gettysburg thing to meet you and Rob. I have an invite to go to Summit Point with some guys from Delta, one with a 12R. Gotta get wrenching though.


[This message has been edited by Jamie (edited 10 April 2000).]