Macfast reporting in


Never Forgotten
Made it home 6.5 hours. It was to nice to be riding in a truck Satellite radio really made the trip better.
Had the best time with all of you . The Bash was the best every year it gets better and better.  What a great bunch of people.
The way everyone comes together to help others is awe insprining  ( Really great)
Had a great time   great rides  great food great people
 Thank you all  see ya next year
Also  Blue & Silver is the FASEST
My wife really likes the Pink shirt, She did'nt get -it but my son thought it was a hoot.
My daughter of 22 thinks older men look sexy (Distinguished } She is also a blond I think I will give her the shirt as she rides a Ninja 500 wants to step her way to a Busa. Wonder where she got that from?
It was great seeing you again my man!!!

Sorry bout the scratch(s) right there at the end but hey, its just time and money!!!

See ya next time!
Glad to hear you got home safely and I'm glad that maybe your daughter will enjoy the pink shirt

See you again next year I hope!
The pictures from all of you and all of you at the bash look great.
Im looking forward to next time.
Yes "Time and Money" famous quote by Kevin at KWS Motosports in Charleston SC.
That what he said it would take to get into the 200mph club at Maxton NC. " Time and Money " seems to apply to a lot of things.
The scraches will be fixed soon. A lot easier to fix the Busa body than my body. Thankful for that.
Mac - I hope you meet your goal of getting into the 200 club! Sorry about the stuff at the end... it was great talking to you at the fire and I look forward to seeing you next year!