Mad props to GoPro customer service!


So Friday afternoon around 4, the clip on my GoPro HD Hero case broke. I e-mailed GoPro and told them about the issue and stated that since I've only had it 3 months and it didn't happen during use, I was just closing the case, I didn't feel that I should have to pay for the replacement. Because it was kind of late I wasn't expecting a reply that day. Well, to my amazement they replied within about 5 minutes. Said to send them a picture, the camera's serial number, and my mailing address and they'd send me a replacement under warranty. So I took the pictures and sent them the info they wanted. 5 minutes (maybe less) later I get a reply saying the replacement had been shipped. I figure, it's Friday, they're in California and I'm in SC, I'll probably have it by Thursday or Friday. Nope. I get it today. They got it to me in one business day. I was pretty much floored when I got it. I couldn't believe they'd send it overnight being a warranty thing that they're not getting paid for. Amazing. Props to you, GoPro people. You. . . . . . Are. . . . . . Awesome. :bowdown:
Cool, mine broke Thursday at Caps, maybe it will be waiting for me when I get home. :cheerleader:
Wow. I'm gonna be purchasing from them in the next couple of months, and this only makes me more convinced to do business with them.

You should send them a link to this thread. Forums are famous for slamming companies when their customer service is subpar; we should reward the companies that "get it" and go the extra mile.
Wow. I'm gonna be purchasing from them in the next couple of months, and this only makes me more convinced to do business with them.

You should send them a link to this thread. Forums are famous for slamming companies when their customer service is subpar; we should reward the companies that "get it" and go the extra mile.

Already crossed my mind. I was gonna wait till it got some more replies, but it doesn't seem like it's going to get a whole lot. Still, I'll probably send them the link anyway. I'm sure they'd be happy to know that customers are extremely pleased with their customer service.
Mine was not here yet, but no biggie, I will post up when it arrives.
Update: my new clip came in the mail today. Now here is what is interesting, not only did they send me a new clip, they sent me two. I now have a spare! Thank you so much GoPro, I appreciate your outstanding customer service. :cheerleader:
Update: my new clip came in the mail today. Now here is what is interesting, not only did they send me a new clip, they sent me two. I now have a spare! Thank you so much GoPro, I appreciate your outstanding customer service. :cheerleader:

Yea, I intended to mention that in my first post. They also sent me 2! :thumbsup:
I love my GoPro. :thumbsup: to their customer service team. They should be held as the standard that others hope to achieve.