Magneto cover and gasket



I ordered a new magneto and gasket. What I need to know is, since I do not have a manual.

When replacing the magneto cover, is there a correct torque applied to the bolts that lock it in place???? Or do I tighten it until it crushes the gasket and seals it?

[This message has been edited by adowell (edited 25 July 2000).]
Are you talking about the generator cover? If you are, put a dab of silicone over the the two parting lines where the case halves meet[on each side of the generator]. Then put the gasket on sliding it over the dowl pins. Then install the cover and torque to 7 ft. lbs. For the generator rotor bolt-87 ft. lbs.
Adowell I installed a new one about a month ago, be forwarned to pay attention to how everything comes apart because the copper windings and various parts are attached to the generator cover. I did not have a manual at the time and tightened the bolts snuggly, havent had a leak as of yet. Good luck, I flamed ya on the previous article, your still a noodle.
hey warbird because i'm lazy to get my manual out what is the generator rotor bolt??? are you going to the street bike nats???
Hey busa2, its the bolt that holds the generator rotor on. The big one in the middle of what some call the magneto. Dont think Ill get to the nationals this time. Should stay with my daughter.
Atlanta Ga . Law Dog

Thanks for the info, I will have to be careful about it.... Wish I had a service manual, but they are hard to get right now in Canada.

about the flaming! Always wanted to be a noodle.....
Be carefull-----those wires that are part of the generator are designed to go under a little clip that keep them from comming in contact with roter. It is hard to understand what this extra clip (under the crank sensor does) be sure the wires are under it and secure. Also scrape the gasket----use Suzuki bond---its works a lot better that the gasket and is more forgiving.
Ok, now that I feel a little scared of doing this myself without the manual... My dealer can do it when I change my oil to synthetic..

Thanks for the help! I do appreciate it...
Atlanta Ga . Law Dog

I have my dealer looking for one now, if he cannot find one by Friday, I will take yours if it is still available. Do you know if there is a difference between the U.S. and Canadian models... Besides color?

[This message has been edited by adowell (edited 26 July 2000).]