I made it back. Safe and sound and 1300 miles later. What a trip. I got rained on,snowed on, fogged on, and colder than a ...well you get the picture. It was cold going down to gatlinburg on monday. 35 degrees. I was cold to say the least. On thursday I drove across the foothills parkway to the gap. My gf and her son followed me. I was so excited for them to finally see the place. The trip over wasnt to bad. Took them to crot and had a dragon burger. Her son, my soon to be step son, loved every minute. he is 11. She liked it too. It was a great time. After she left for Ohio I ran the dragon for the rest of the day. Friday was rainy most of the day so it was a bummer but about 5 the road dried out. I thought that I could get some runs in but oh no! Cant have that. Believe it or not. An idiot. dee dee dee tried to drive his semi tractor trailer through the dragon. He got about half way when he ran off the road and got stuck blocking the entire road. sorry didnt have a camera with me or I would show everyone. so it was pretty much a wash. Left this morning in a thunderstorm. drove through the dragon in a down pour and heavy fog. Rained untill almost Knoxville then it cleared up ok. The rest of the ride home was just a little chilly. I will post up the pics of gatlinburg and the gap later on when i get a chance. got to go to work now.
p.s. thanks for all those who prayed for me to have a safe trip. considering the weather i hit coming and going i know someone put in a good word for me.........later on......