well I placed my order with ATC begining of march for extentions and lowering stuff, then they came and I said sweet when I get home from work tonight I will put them on. one my way to work not wanting to go so I could put my new parts on, I get taken out by a car. I go flying, bike goes tumbling. I get taken back to my house by the cops and grabbed the kawi cause I still needed to make it to work.
So I been commuting on the 636 for 3 weeks now waiting to for insurance to figure out what they going to do.
So today I get a nail in my front tire of the 636. not having a good motocycle month
So I been commuting on the 636 for 3 weeks now waiting to for insurance to figure out what they going to do.
So today I get a nail in my front tire of the 636. not having a good motocycle month