Martial Arts


I have been thinking about taking up a martial art whenever I have a real disposable income. Do any of you killers have a recommendation or comments on styles? I want something practical that I can use in real life, but I have nothing to go by aside from riding from school to school asking about it :E Halp a brother out!
jujitsu with some kick boxing and traditional boxing. Watch any UFC fight and that will sum it up pretty well for practical use martial arts IMHO
Dan and I got our black belts in tae kwon do along with our 3 kids.  Our dojo put a lot of focus on self-defense.  I'm not sure how common that is, but it's something we enjoyed doing together as a family.  It's also good to know that my kids can protect themselves.

Dan and I also trained in tai chi for about 2 years.  Speed it up and it can do some scary damage.
If flexibility is a concern we also studied Southwestern Kenpo and it is very effective without the acrobatics.
i'm taking Chang style Baguazhang. it's an open palm style, very circular, joint locks, throws, strikes. here is a link to my youtube page with my teacher and one of his students demonstrating very slowly:

here's a kool vid showing applications in real time:

and another:
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Its all a bit KUNG FOOEY TO ME
jujitsu is awesome if your back can handle it. i practiced it years ago while in my 20's. im now in my late 30's and no way could i handle that training because of my back. if you are in similar situation look into aikido.
I'm 40 and had my C5-C6 fused, both ACLs replaced, lower back pain from fly'n and I can still do it. You need to go to the classes and judge for yourself.

I guess I'm a freak of nature.
