Member Request - Off topic


As some of you may know. CyberJosie has chosen to attack our forum for personal gain. It would be in our best interest to IGNORE all and further posts from this individuals.

From there sight they have attempted to recruit people to shut down our site. Anyone thinks this is humors, I find repulsive!! As if a hacker would need free subscription to an adlut site.HHAHAHA any reputable hacker would make his own account into CyberJosie sight, which probably just like very other adult site.

CONCLUSION: CYBERJOSIE has started an attack on OUR forum. Check out for posted threat against US!

If this site goes down for any reason we thank cyberjosie for ruining our forum for our favorite motorcycle. As they hide behind the free speech.

So let us express our right of free speech and REFUSE to converse with this disturbed or any other yea-hoo that shows up .. Kong comes to mind as another.

Regards buddy had told me there was some trouble on here but I had no idea it was so bad. What all happened here? What I don't understand is why everyone can't get along. We are all motorcycle riders or enthusiasts and sited such as this one are supposed to be here to promote our sport not quibble over non related things or just bacause someones opinion is different than our own. We should have better things to talk about than hurting one another, hacking each others sites and what not. Lets get this junk over with and talk about some rides, tech info, or whatever we can that has to do with our bikes and be happy! :-) Randy
Free speech yes attacking a website no.I think she will not attach our web site one because she is to well know in the porn world and if she does attack this site or any site it will be because of her Unix or Lynix software persons that are involve,any site can be attacked,but by pass posting with her I think she will start talking motorcycles plus she will start to lose the trust we will have for her other wise.I think we should have to wait and see.I have friends at NetCom and other network service providers who has software and tracking software that can do the job that we need.They are the same group of guys that caught that one hacker a couple of years ago back on the east coast.I believe she has made peace and one way is that she will show her intent is to remove any posting on her website on attacking ours.It's about motorcyles and lets keep it that way.She has given her work address so she is not hiding at all,little mad maybe.
WHAT ! She is attempting to pay people to shut down our site. Defender if you want but I would not want to be associate with her or her tatics. I dont care if a friend of hers does it SHE instigated and offered payment for services rendered. Mad or not she started it, she needs to grow up all the porn is fry'n her brain I guess. AND AS OF YET the disclaimer is still up.

AND if our site does got down she will be the first one notified by the authorities. We will she if she like free speech then, in front of a judge! And might I add she even commissioned the murder of Mr Giles.

" You must find Chase Giles and kill him,
mailing his severed head to me "

And for her work address SO WHAT ! its probably fake. wake up and get a clue.

It doesnt matter who hack the site now kind sir. If they due she will have been party to it and do you think the goverment is going to take this hacking crimes / murder threats lightly. Have you watched your tv set lately dude !!!

This girl probably doesnt even know how to ride, only throw tantrum and threatn people. Oh I hope i dont get on her murder list or hackers list ! AND personally it too late she should just find a new list to harass!

Defend her if you want, then your probably as guilty as she is my friend.
Hey folks dont classify me with someone that makes death threats. I just come here to read about the Hayabusa and get a little reation from you guys about the new ZX thats coming to challenge the GSX, hell, I ride with all brands, I would help anyone regardless of their brand of bike if they were in need. Ill tone it down on the brand hype stuff, ok, I probably wont buy a Suzuki but I still like to talk bikes.
Well,If it was a joke,she/he sure took it to extremes,I received a e-mail from her/him titled "DEATH",in it were several death threats and a wrong home address which was supposed to be mine(the same address she/he posted here)I'm a former US Marine MP and I'm not worried about some idiot doing anything to me,so I retaliated with some heated e-mail,well this banter went back and forth a few times,and then she/he claimed to be a female on this board,after that the e-mails stopped,but if you look at the original post she/he made,no one flamed her/him,with all the Honda build up,I figured her/his mind was already made up,so why come here to start poop,thats when it all started.
Death threats should be taken seriously and she has also put my head on the chopping block and as you know I have tracked the site down that they are at and I can tell you they are being watched recorded and what ever legal means it takes to close then down if they break the law.She said she will stop all this and talk bikes so we have to wait.I'm going by the known laws for now and if you look at some of the other posting their pretty close to what she has posted so we have to take most of this with a grain of salt and take the proper safety precaution,no different than riding a motorcycle in rush hour traffic.