Michael Jackson dead at 50

The "has been pin-up model" wasent in the courts for touching little kids.
Ahhh, guilty until proven innocent, right?

Note: Its only music, which if he has shaped, then he is the frontrunner of the BS trash pop thats around today. Congrats.
Correlation is not causation. Thanks for playing.
Note: Its only music,

Music is a big part of a lot people's lives, including my own. It may not be important to you, but that doesn't diminish the importance of music in history.

which if he has shaped, then he is the frontrunner of the BS trash pop thats around today. Congrats.

Michael Jackson, in my opinion along with millions of others, is a musical genius. Your opinion, used as argument here, is weak. You might not appreciate his stuff, but you're in the minority and that doesn't diminish his enormous contribution to the music industry one tiny bit. BS trash? Yeah, there's a lot of bad music put out, but not his....

He's bad, he's bad, he knows it :).
Music is a big part of a lot people's lives, including my own. It may not be important to you, but that doesn't diminish the importance of music in history.

Michael Jackson, in my opinion along with millions of others, is a musical genius. Your opinion, used as argument here, is weak. You might not appreciate his stuff, but you're in the minority and that doesn't diminish his enormous contribution to the music industry one tiny bit. BS trash? Yeah, there's a lot of bad music put out, but not his....

He's bad, he's bad, he knows it :).

Haha, touche'.....nice response!
which if he has shaped, then he is the frontrunner of the BS trash pop thats around today. Congrats.

You've got that right. BS trash to Rap Crap. One long slide into the crapper.
Kiddie Raper crapper.

I donno what shows and articles YOU were reading, but the ones *I* saw (along with the legal stuff) said that he paid a child's parents an undisclosed sum of money to drop everything. Innocent people dont DO that.

Seems like you can buy anything now. But, probably it's always been true.
I think the little freak got off easy overdosing on Demerol. Maybe he should have gotten the same thing Vin Rhames gave the freak that raped him in Pulp Fiction.

"One, two, three, oh baby..." Yep, really rings my bell. :rofl: