Michigan Mile

I can't get off work but it looks fun! :beerchug:

Take lots of pics and let us know how the first event turns out... :thumbsup:
This event looks like it could be a lot of fun !

The event rules for motorcycle entrants are pretty minimal:

Basically full one-piece leathers, gloves, modern
Snell helmet, safety-wire front axle and kill teather.

NO: other safety wire,
no tire rules,
no licensing rules,
no chain guard rules,
no steer damper required,
no aero rules,
no fuel or turbo rules.

This is a classic run-what-you-brung race !

If the Heavy Hitters show up, the track record could
move up to 260 MPH by the end of the meet.

Too bad the race is scheduled for the same weekend
as the ECTA meet at Wilmington, Ohio.

Two (2) mile races the same weekend,
maybe 200 miles apart.....

Loring the next weekend.....

Could race at Michigan on Friday,
Ohio on Saturday and Sunday

Loring mile the next Saturday,
and Loring mile and a half that Sunday.

Like four (4) races in ten (10) days !
This event looks like it could be a lot of fun !

The event rules for motorcycle entrants are pretty minimal:

Basically full one-piece leathers, gloves, modern
Snell helmet, safety-wire front axle and kill teather.

NO: other safety wire,
no tire rules,
no licensing rules,
no chain guard rules,
no steer damper required,
no aero rules,
no fuel or turbo rules.

???Wow !!! thats not to safe
???Wow !!! thats not too safe

well, no, it is not.

The mile events have the worst
(in terms of folks getting killed)
safety records in the sport.

Bonneville:....60 years in business, full-on LSR venue, 1 death in 60 years.

El Mirage:.....70 years in business, full-on LSR venue, 0 deaths in 70 years.

ECTA: mile..>20 years in business, full-on LSR venue, 3 deaths in >20 years.

Texas Mile:...10 years in business, track-day venue, 1 death in 10 years.
( And 2 close calls.........)

Loring:1.0 & 1.5..5 years in business, full-on LSR venue, 0 death in 5 years.
The Michigan Mile » Safety

The Standing Mile
Vehicles will start each run from a dead stop. Upon visual signal from the race attendant, drivers will pilot vehicles at increasing speed down the tarmac until the one-mile distance has been reached. Trap speed at the end of each run will be calculated and recorded according to IMRA guidelines and practices.

General Guidelines
All automobiles will run in three classes designated by top speed. Each class will have specific safety requirements and driver responsibilities during the event. Vehicles capable of speeds in excess of 190mph will be designated as “Class 1â€. Vehicles with a top speed below 190mph will be designated as “Class 2â€. Vehicles equipped with “W†rated tires must run in class “2W†and cannot exceed 180mph. All rules and regulations must be followed in order to compete, no exceptions. A driver will receive one warning should he exceed his class speed limit. If a driver receives a second warning, he is disqualified from competition until further notice. Technical inspections are in place to ensure compliance with our general guidelines. Driver must hold a valid driver’s license and be over the age of 18 to participate.

The Michigan Mile cannot certify any vehicle as being “safeâ€. Each driver is responsible for his or her own safety while attending our event. All required gear and accessories must have proper certification identification attached to each item. Motorcycle competitors will require the same safety requirements regardless to top speed.

Automobile – General Safety Requirements
1.All vehicles are required to pass technical inspection prior each day’s events.
2.Vehicles must be of sound mechanical condition and leaking no fluids
3.Tires must be rated “Y†or “Wâ€, drag radials are not allowed!
4.Tires must all be of matching rating and filled to manufacturer specification.
5.All wheels must be attached via 5-stud or better design.
6.Vehicle interiors must be clear of any objects that are not securely mounted.
7.Camera mount installation will be allowed upon technical inspector’s approval.

Automobile – Class 2W Minimum Requirements (180mph)
Special class for competitors running “W†rated tires. Vehicles cannot exceed 180mph. All other regulations outlined in the “Class 2†requirements apply.

Automobile – Class 2 Minimum Requirements (190MPH limit)
1.SNELL 2005/2010 “SA†rated helmet and balaclava.
2.SFI 3.3 – Racing Gloves.
3.None-Synthetic (cotton, wool) clothing must cover torso and legs.
4.Shoes that cover the entire foot with durable materials.
5.Properly working factory restraint system.
6.Convertible/Open vehicles must have a roll bar system
7.Open vehicle drivers must wear eye protection if a full-face helmet with visor is not used.
Vehicles with T-tops or any similar configuration will be considered “open†if all attachments are not properly installed and secured.

Automobile – Class 1 Minimum Requirements (190mph+)
1.SNELL 2005/2010 “SA†rated full-face helmet and balaclava.
2.Drivers neck support
3.SFI 3.2A/1 – Racing suit
4.SFI 3.3 – Gloves, Shoes, Under Garments and Socks
5.SFI 16.1 / 16.5 – Five-Point restraint system in good condition.
6.Four-point roll cage or better with proper impact padding
7.Transmission Scatter Shield
8.Battery box with exterior power termination switch
9.Fuel cut-off switch that is driver accessible.

Motorcycle – Minimum Requirement
1.Snell 2005/20010 “M†Rated full face helmet
2.One piece racing leathers
3.Racing gloves, unexposed wrist
4.Kill switch tether in working condition
5.Front axle safety wired


SFI Web Site – The SFI Foundation, Inc. (SFI) is a non-profit organization established to issue and administers standards for specialty/performance automotive and racing equipment.

Snell Foundation - home – The Snell Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to research, education, testing and development of helmet safety standards. Since its founding in 1957, Snell has been a leader in helmet safety in the United States and around the world.

The above is what they say......

Will it change ?[/
I believe that was put out BEFORE they had a motorcycle tech inspector. Now that someone has stepped up, I was told the requirements had changed but maybe that was just for the FB page..

Then again, people ride everyday without all that stuff and no issues....I don't see it being a GIANT problem like some make it.....it's all insurance liability requirements...
Then again, people ride everyday without
all that stuff and no issues....I don't see it
being a GIANT problem like some make it.....

it's all insurance liability requirements...

Having spent about 40 years in the insurance-related
end of the motorcycle world, I find it hard to believe
that an insurance company
would want MORE risk,
rather than less,
for the same premium........

Having boots, back protector, padding at elbows,
knees, hips, face shield, etc,would probably
result in both fewer and less-serious injury.

More safety on the bike side: Z-rated tires, steer damper,
more safety wire, would also protect folks from sliding
on their own oil, or speed wobbles, etc.

That would result in fewer crashes,
and even LESS risk of injury.

If you were an insurance company,
would you charge more money
(a higher rate) to cover these guys ?

You bet !
Yes, people ride without full protective gear
on the street every day, but that doesn't
make it the most safe thing to do.

Also, even the best safety gear
will not prevent all injury and death.

That is not, however,
a reason to use NO gear..........

No gear?

What rules are you reading?

All the normal gear is required just like at any other motorcycle event....

NO: other safety wire,
no tire rules,
no licensing rules,
no chain guard rules,
no steer damper required,
no aero rules,
no fuel or turbo rules.

Most of that stuff is pretty obvious and common sense but don't make it something it's not. Tires speed rated higher than your speed is pretty obvious.

Also, it's the first event so they don't know how fast people will go to license yet. Did Maxton or Bonneville have everything mapped out from the first event? No, they adapted and made changes over the YEARS...

Aero rules don't apply because it's run what you brung, no one cares about cheating or any of the class specific BS.

Again, fuel/turbo rules aren't needed because it's to see how fast you can go and nothing more.