Michigan riders

darth frosty

There is going to be a ride to toledo next wednsday. A bar down there called headliners has a bike night.

"Headliners Bike night is huge - probably 400+ bikes when we went last wednesday. It's dollar beer night too (keep that under control!). There's a lot of custom and creative machines, lots of burnouts and lots to look at.."

More info can be found at tghe link below. I plan on going. This is a late evening night time activity. It gets jumping around 9-10pm. Looks like a fun way to get thru hump-day and start the 4th weekend off right.

Headliners is always a good time and they finally have some decent food so should be even better this year! And the later you stay the more out of hand it gets!! I live down by exit 5 so I wont be going up to 18 to the meeting area but would like to meet some of the detroit crowd at headliners!

I will be on an 06 with the same colors as yours Frosty!
I wish I could get my bike running and maybe go. I could always run 2 miles down the street and steal Darth frostys TB's

...hay that works for me! HEHE
thats what I need is to sync them. I cant find a gauge and really don't want to buy one for the 1 time i'll end up using it.