Micron Exhaust?


Has anyone tried or heard about a micron full system on a Busa? If so what do you think is it worth the high price? What types of gain do they yeild?
They are a good pipe....just haven`t had all the hype and press some of the others have. Make sure you get the x can when you order one...it is a larger can with larger baffle opening much like a akrapovic....thier chrome stainless can looks really good with a chromed out bike. Pipes are like butt holes.....everyone has a different one and opinion.....I personally like the micron some do not.......
I currently have a muzzy on order but the place I ordered it from offered me a chrome micron at the same price which I could get now and avoid the wait I 'm tempted.
I've got a Micron full system with Ti can. I've heard more compliments on the sound of this pipe than I've heard with anything else. Maybe that has something to do with the 1300cc on the end of the pipe, but I personally think the pipe has a very distinctive growl to it. As for performance, I've read it's not as good as some. The Muzzy and Akro seem to win in that area.
All depends on tuning. We had a guy out this weekend with a stock motor, micron exhaust, small box mod, he hit 194.9mph on the top end run and made 167hp on the dyno.
I'll just say I wont buy another one after dealing with them and I'm still dealing with fit of my pipe. Power nothing to speak of average 'real world' number I guess.
hey 13Reasons, See if they'll trade ya a YOSH DUPLEX(race) if you don't want the micron, The aluminum/stainless RS3 can sounds the best but the Carbon Oval Yosh sounds good and Looks Bad A$$!!!Its throaty sounding like a Micron carbon but a little louder. It doesn't schriek like the Muzzy. You get about 5-8 Hp with either duplex,and they weigh 11.5lbs(carbon)(if you get the titainium,$, its 7lbs). Fit is absolutely PERFECT with the DUPLEX, no mods needed for anything. I have installed 2 of them. Make SURE you get the part# R146D or DD though, there is a #R143 that looks the same but makes less power and is quieter, its the street, wussy version. AKRO makes the most HP and I think then the Muzzy, all the rest are about the same HP gain but the Yosh sounds and looks the best. Opinions though!!

[This message has been edited by ZXALAN (edited 28 July 2000).]
I got the Yosh RS-3 duplex race. It is great. Fit is perfect, the sound is just right.

I have the pipe
bmc filter
166 hp
105 tq

You will get to 2 more hp with the akro, but 3 less tq. Torque is where it's at!!
13, i have the micron and love it. it gave me 2 mph in the 1/4. it wasnt quite loud enough for me so i took out ALL the packing. of course then it was to loud, so i put half of the packing back in. now it sounds awesome. thats the nice thing about the micron, you can get the can apart without drilling out rivets, and adjust the sound to your liking.
zxalan--just bought a 00' busa with a yosh pipe. Johnny Word Suzuki mapped the box and the bike smells rich at idle and surges real bad under 4 grand. thought i saw a post where you could remap the box. you interested?? if not, who can map it and knows what they are doing??
Hey 13, I havn't seen one on a busa yet but I had one my ZX11 I liked it but it didn't give me H.P. I wanted though! I'd look for some dyno #'s first before I'd buy anything. But thats me.What do "YOU" want from a pipe? H.P.? LOOKS? SOUND? all are important but only you can rank what you want!Buy what you like and whats important to you and nobody else! Remember ITS YOUR BIKE.
Micron are the cat's a$$...my buddy has one (with round carbon silencer) on his 99, we did a sound comparison with 3 other Busas with the following systems...the Yosh Tri-oval, the Muzzy, and the Akrapovic. Sound-wise, the Micron was the hands-down favorite of everyone there. Its a good looking can and offers decent performance.
Oh yeah, I forgot, the pipe seemed to make OK power, but the fit was horrible. This guy had to buthcher his lower fairings to get it to fit.

Still melted a few places.