hey 13Reasons, See if they'll trade ya a YOSH DUPLEX(race) if you don't want the micron, The aluminum/stainless RS3 can sounds the best but the Carbon Oval Yosh sounds good and Looks Bad A$$!!!Its throaty sounding like a Micron carbon but a little louder. It doesn't schriek like the Muzzy. You get about 5-8 Hp with either duplex,and they weigh 11.5lbs(carbon)(if you get the titainium,$, its 7lbs). Fit is absolutely PERFECT with the DUPLEX, no mods needed for anything. I have installed 2 of them. Make SURE you get the part# R146D or DD though, there is a #R143 that looks the same but makes less power and is quieter, its the street, wussy version. AKRO makes the most HP and I think then the Muzzy, all the rest are about the same HP gain but the Yosh sounds and looks the best. Opinions though!!
[This message has been edited by ZXALAN (edited 28 July 2000).]