Ok, Ok... I should probably spank myself for this one but I am really pushed into a dilema. I just found out the misses is 3 months pregnant and I am having mixed emotions about my mistress (Busa). I am not being forced to get rid of it or anything but the thoughts of some of the crazies that are out there in the world today that seem to not notice motorcycles even when we are in front of them. The wife has told me that it is completely up to me and to be honest she doesn't want me to get rid of it because she knows how perfect of a match that we make. Has anyone ever run into this situation? If so how to did you handle it? How did you come to terms with still keeping the one in your life that you will never let go to the fact that there is another life in this world that needs you now. Every morning I wake up in Iraq and look at what I do for a living and try to place a scale to this compared to riding in the states. Yes this maybe a little more dangerous but according to recent statistics there are more military mishaps involving motorcycles then there are mishaps in deployments overseas. I don't want get rid of my first love please if you can shine a little light on this or advice on how to shake these jitters out so I can enjoy both "fatherhood and the love of riding the busa"