Mixed Emotions...


Ok, Ok... I should probably spank myself for this one but I am really pushed into a dilema. I just found out the misses is 3 months pregnant and I am having mixed emotions about my mistress (Busa). I am not being forced to get rid of it or anything but the thoughts of some of the crazies that are out there in the world today that seem to not notice motorcycles even when we are in front of them. The wife has told me that it is completely up to me and to be honest she doesn't want me to get rid of it because she knows how perfect of a match that we make. Has anyone ever run into this situation? If so how to did you handle it? How did you come to terms with still keeping the one in your life that you will never let go to the fact that there is another life in this world that needs you now. Every morning I wake up in Iraq and look at what I do for a living and try to place a scale to this compared to riding in the states. Yes this maybe a little more dangerous but according to recent statistics there are more military mishaps involving motorcycles then there are mishaps in deployments overseas. I don't want get rid of my first love please if you can shine a little light on this or advice on how to shake these jitters out so I can enjoy both "fatherhood and the love of riding the busa":please:
This is a tuff one to answer but I will give it a shot. I have two kids and as much as I love them both, I love having my "Busa" in my life too. If you love your bike that much I think getting rid of it would make you miserable. Enjoy being a father and a husband, and maybe slow down a little on the Busa so you will be around to enjoy them all.

Just my :2cents:
dont do anything drastic untill you have had alot of time to think about it. i enjoy being a father and i also enjoy riding. i cant imagine not having a bike. wear your gear and ride like your invisible. congrats on the baby!!:beerchug:
There are plenty of people with families riding bikes, just ride safe and enjoy life.:thumbsup::cheerleader::banana:
I have 2 young kids and everytime I ride I think about what it would be like for them if I never made it back home, but you can't live your life in fear. If riding your bike makes you happy and you love it, don't stop, just be careful and enjoy life.
When your time is up,it's up. I have an 11 year old and think about it every time' but if you don't live life what's the point of living. Do what you think is right in your heart.
Thank you for the advice.. And thanks to those who congratulated me on the new baby. Its my first child so I think that is what plays a big role in my jitters. You guys are right. I am going to hold off from doing anything drastic and feel it out once the baby is born. Thanks everyone...:beerchug:
My Wife & I both ride street & track. We have an 8 & 14 year old. No problem - just don't worry about something happening, or it probabaly will.

Congrats on the baby. I also have a child. Only one. I still ride. Like the others have said, You need to live life or have no life. You need to protect yourself to the best of your abilities. ATGATT. And ride like everyoneis tryong to kill you because they probably are. You are in Iraq now, You treat everyone like the want to kill you now. So you know how to do it.
Good luck and congrats again
enjoy both bro... when you're out riding to be very observant of your surroundings and know who and what is around you at all times :thumbsup: and remember that you NOW have one more reason to arrive home safely :cheerleader:

(I have 3 reasons to arrive home safely - 1 wife, 2 daughters)
I think I have been here before..

Having retired from Drag bikes, drag cars, drag boats and dirt bike racing... There is a thing that goes "DING" in your head one day like a timer... It says, "ITS TIME"....

Not sure what or how this happens but it does, you KNOW it is time to quit something.. Do not ignore this message IMO... I tried and all I did was race with a lot of junk going on in my head..

If something is telling you from inside it is time to make a change, just make it.. you can always go back to riding another year, I laid off for a good number of years when I had little ones... I do not regret it and everyone got to sleep better..

DO NOT let someone else tell you it is "TIME" .. does not work that way..

Now I got this thing in my head about doing track days next year... :) Karen is all for it too! :)
I had to make the decision of whether or not to lose the bike when I found out the wife was pregnant. I decided no. If you do it for the wrong reasons you will regret it, and may even unintentionally point that regret at the child. If you enjoy it I say keep it.

I will tell you this. It changed my riding style. I am much more aware now. I know that there is more at stake everytime I get on it, but I also know that I could get hit crossing the street at lunch. Live life - don't survive it
:beerchug: Congrats on the baby!!!

As far as the bike, I say keep it if it means that much to you. You can be a father and still have a motorcycle.
Congrats on the new baby! :cheerleader: This is surely a life changing event, but for the better I asure you. I have 4 kids, and I love them all. I didnt quit riding because I had them. I dont know about you, but riding is part of life, a part of me. It is more so now a lifestyle than it used to be, however, it has always been an intregal part of me and who I am. My wife rides and has her own bike. My oldest son and daughter love riding with me. If you your gut is telling you to part with your bike, then I understand, but if not, why try to change who you are? If it bothers you, and yet you cant sell her, keep it, and just dont ride for while. As others have stated, take some time and think about it. Make the decision that is right for you and your family based on what you gut and mind are telling you. Good luck.
I think I have been here before..

Having retired from Drag bikes, drag cars, drag boats and dirt bike racing... There is a thing that goes "DING" in your head one day like a timer... It says, "ITS TIME"....

Not sure what or how this happens but it does, you KNOW it is time to quit something.. Do not ignore this message IMO... I tried and all I did was race with a lot of junk going on in my head..

If something is telling you from inside it is time to make a change, just make it.. you can always go back to riding another year, I laid off for a good number of years when I had little ones... I do not regret it and everyone got to sleep better..

DO NOT let someone else tell you it is "TIME" .. does not work that way..

Now I got this thing in my head about doing track days next year... :) Karen is all for it too! :)

This is the best advice you gonna get! Just want to add a little. I assUme you care greatly for her. :thumbsup: Women go though some changes while pregnant. You might need to park the bike for while until after a few months the child is born. She'll could have no issues or many. Hormones gonna be flaring. That will be for you to decide. If you want to keep riding,give it time to pass before you do so. I'm sure a mom will probably chime in after reading this and throw out better a understanding.

Have fun,be safe and take it day by day.

Oh yeah congrats! :cheerleader:
I would not get rid of the bike for now, but I would stop riding until you feel more positive. Being tenative on the bike will get you hurt.
Congrats on the coming addition, brother!

I commend your deep sense of responsibility.

Regarding the subject, the decision you make will be the right one at the right time. Good luck, and post up pix of the newbie when he/she comes!

Be careful over there (Land of Kitty Litter), and thanks very much for your service and sacrifice.
