MMM, Fresh Crow...My Favorite!


Re-Recycled, Busa-Less...
Donating Member
OK, As a lot of you know ole' Rev has been under a lot of stress the last few months...Lilah hasn't been ridden in three weeks, hair turning grey, working 68 hours in three days (No BS).  This leads to shall we say errors in Judgement, and rash decisions.  

Below is my letter to Motorcyclist, I never really expected a human to read my initial letter, but still...  I just tripped on my bobo and thought you all would get a kick out of it!  Here we go!

As some of you know I rejoiced when Motorcyclist Magazine finally updated their "Hard Numbers" on the Busa, gone was the 10.34 1/4 time that had been there for 5 years.  It was replaced by a pretty low ET of 9.88.  So imagine my shock when flipping through my "March 2004" (Pay attention to this date) issue I see the numbers as 10.34 again.  WHAT???  I freaked...  And sent this letter to Motorcylist:

-----Original Message-----
From:*****  Keith [mailto***************]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 7:00 AM
Subject: Performance Data?

Hey Guys, I have been a subscriber for about 4 years, been reading Motorcyclist longer than that.  Over all I have been pretty satisfied but there is one bone I have to pick with you.  

 Your Performance Data and it's "revisionist" data.  What, did Kawasaki throw more money your direction over the last couple of months?  I am referring specifically to the ZX12R and the Hayabusa performance numbers obtained by Keith Dennis in your "Head To Head" match up.  You finally got a real drag racer on the Busa and Lo and behold his quarter mile time is a best of 9.88 for the Busa in stock form.  I applauded your updating of the performance data in the back of the magazine to reflect the Busa's and the 12R's real potential.  I mean 10.34 has been a real disservice to the Busa over the years.  So I thought that finally a wrong had been righted, someone finally did the right thing... until this month.

  It looks like Kawasaki has been paying more for you integrity and all of the sudden the performance data is back to the 10.34 while "Surprise" the 12R keeps it's best time...  Pretty sorry folks.

 I understand that you and your magazine are wholly owned by the big corporations, and you can never really speak your minds or give the whole story, hell even your subjective comments are glossed over.  But to swap out hard numbers for money is pretty low and just not accurate.

To bad, now I cannot trust you either, Cycle Whored has been Honda's chimp for more years than I can remember, so clearly empty of real content that I haven't read it in years, now you go down the same path.  You can keep moving to emulate the Brit Mags like you have been doing over the last year or so, but without their freedom to really express themselves and report actual results your going to remain a tool of the marketing and advertising departments...selling your integrity...

Sorry guys, I am just disappointed. [/QUOTE]

So as you can tell I was convinced someone was screwing up.

Well, imagine my shock when I get a response from Mr. Mitch Boehm, Motorcyclist's Editor and Chief.  No Butt kissing, but he displayed some serious restraint, a real class act...

Here's his response: -----Original Message-----
From: Boehm, Mitch
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 12:54 PM
To: '*****, Keith'
Subject: RE: Performance Data?

I have the Feb and March issues right here in front of me, and both show the same times: 9.88 for the Busa and 9.92 for the 12R, just as they happened during the Keith Dennis story.
Better get your facts straight before you accuse us of pandering for ad dollars.
Backfires is gonna be good this month.
[/QUOTE] and -----Original Message-----
From: Boehm, Mitch [mailto:**************]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:26 PM
To: *****, Keith
Subject: RE: Performance Data?

In stock condition, of course.
The numbers we got by lowering and re-gearing the bikes aren't appropriate for Hard Numbers.

OK, once that hot feeling slowly left me I replied with: -----Original Message-----
From: ******, Keith [***********]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:49 PM
To: Boehm, Mitch
Subject: RE: Performance Data?

Let me get home, and check the issue date... Something's not right...If so You'll get to print my humbled apology....God forbid I dug out an old issue....

If I did I deserve it...  You'll hear back from me on Tuesday.

Thanks for getting back to me, For Good or Evil...

Well you all can probably see where this is headed....  Yeah, I go home and discover the sad truth for myself...  Yup, I'm screwed!

Here is my reply....

RE: Performance Data?
Mmm, Smells like Crow !

Dear Mr. Boehm... (Note the penitent tone)

Well I went home, and sitting on my workbench in plain view were my most recent issues of Motorcyclist and Sportrider. However, much to my chagrin, my March issue isn't open... nope apparently I had delved into my Motorcyclist library and after finding the information I was looking for (V-max article January 2003) I had left it open and on top of the stack... Yup January, 2003 right on top, oh man... So yeah, WAY
wrong Hard Numbers. But could you kick one of the Web guys in the butt and have them update those hard numbers as well?
(I did check them to be sure)

So I am here to say I prefer my Crow Baked if you please, served with a big ole' slice of Humble pie. I apologize for being a dumb-ass, what else can I say?

To be honest I never really expected a human to read my original message, I would have chosen my words a little differently had I known. Let alone had I known you personally would read it, why? Well I ride a Busa obviously and I've been a Graphic Artist for 12 years. Working for Motorcyclist would be a dream job, Bikes, Art, and Photography together? Perfect job...
(Yeah, and didn't I just score huge points with the boss)

Oh and I will also be posting an apology to You and Motorcyclist Magazine at I spend a lot of time there talking bikes, and I am pretty sure I slammed the Magazine there today as well.

Sorry for the unwarranted attack and for being so damn wordy. I should have at least said thanks for turning the Magazine around over the years, bringing it back from near extinction.

Thanks for you time and if you're ever in Tampa, dinner is on me.

Keith [/QUOTE]

He replied in a Gentleman's manner with Keith
No worries; I do stuff like that ALL THE TIME.
Thanks for being so into it all...we appreciate the energy and time you put
into the sport and our magazine. No poop.
Take care, and keep in touch.
No crow necessary.

So Class, what have we learned today?

1. Just because it's electronic mail doesn't mean it's not going to be read, and you don't know who may do the reading...
2. Check your facts, Look before you leap! Or you'll get your shoulder's pinned to the mat and deserve it...
3. Don't send email angry... if you wouldn't say it on the phone to them, don't write it... I.E. Don't be bobo!
4. Crow isn't all that bad really...I mean properly seasoned and not served cold....

Finally, In hindsight Motorcyclist magazine has always been kind to the Busa, their Head to Head test last year did a lot to maintain the Busa's reputation as a solid, reliable and fast bike.  Remember how Suzuki showed up for the "Head to Head article?  Yup, one Van, two guys, and an 03 LE Busa not yet fully broken in... Kawasaki brought a team of Engineers, a trailer, and a couple of spares...clearly the Suzuki camp wasn't concerned.

Oh and yeah, I'm an A**hole.... That's right me and Dennis Freakin Leary...

Sorry about that Mitch,  





I was waitin' to read where you offered him oral favors after the free dinner if he ever makes it to Tampa. Hahahahahahahaha...
Dude, you really licked those boots. To scarf down a helpin' o' crow is one thing, but you went "below" and beyond that. You should have the graf/art job with that mag sewn up! As some of my co-workers say, "There's one thing you gotts say about suckin' up... IT WORKS!!!"...

Edit: ** Better go ahead and qualify this post as 'for humor only'... Don't know if it's the fact that it's winter and we can't ride much, or what, but lately some of my posts that were meant as humor have seemed to offend. So, Rev, and everyone else... if you can't laugh with me, just laugh at me!
Damn, I'll be glad when riding season gets here so I won't have to include a friggin' disclaimer with my posts!

--No need for an edit!!!--

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You, my friend, are a good man!

I could see it coming...hoped it wasn't, but 'ol Rev was wrong...hey, I'm thrilled that someone reads those angry messages...some of them are correct, and then some are, well, just mistakes. You're human crow necessary since you're already serving a dish right here on, and would make Emeril green with envy...

Mitch sounds like a good enough guy to me, but I'm sure he got the same rush that you had when you wrote the first letter when he opened up the new issue to prove you wrong...touche...

You did good Rev...someone's got to keep 'em on their toes, even if they don't need it at that particular moment. If nothing else, he'll always know there's a Busa owner in Tampa that's paying close attention!
So where's the email offering you a job? You are obviously a man of good character Rev.... good on ya, man.
I was waitin' to read where you offered him oral favors after the free dinner if he ever makes it to Tampa. Hahahahahahahaha...
Dude, you really licked those boots. To scarf down a helpin' o' crow is one thing, but you went "below" and beyond that. You should have the graf/art job with that mag sewn up! As some of my co-workers say, "There's one thing you gotts say about suckin' up... IT WORKS!!!"...
Yeah, there you go Bullet... You go straight south don't ya? Seems to me like there is a pattern developing here... So your new Paint on the Busa is going to be a nice pearly pink isn't it!

Yeah, Yeah, I really do not think I am sucking up really... I mean what am I supposed to say? When you've had your ass handed to you, the only thing you can do is pick up the pieces of your self respect, and move out.

I was really shocked by the response to my initial letter though... after re-reading it in a better mind frame I would have been PISSSED if that had landed in my inbox... It was the amount of restraint that really shocked me...

So, no sucking up... Well....OK....Maybe just a little tiny bit in the corner there... but he earned a lot of respect from me here.
Go back and read the edit I added... I think I'm gonna stop tryin' to be funny around here... Droppin' nothin' but bombs lately. I give up... Tired of havin' to apologize when it flies right over...

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Ok, I'll try a serious response to this thread...

Good on ya, Rev... Only a class act human bein' can admit when they're wrong, take foot out of mouth, and gracefully gulp down a big ol' heap of crow like that. Please forgive my attempt at humor and take this post as my honest reaction to your original posting here...

(See, if people understood me, the above is what my original reply translates to in "humanese"... only it'd be accompanied with laughter... in a perfect world.)
I was waitin' to read where you offered him oral favors after the free dinner if he ever makes it to Tampa.
Damn Bullet, you beat me to it.  I was really going to let Rev have it.  It was real cool, but there were entirely too many jokes in there that I wanted to put out there. But since it seems that Rev has learned his lesson, I'll just leave it alone.


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Although the post title could have been worded a little differently.  How's this:  "On My Knees...No kneepads, just a little mouthwash and some vaseline"  


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Michelle's reeling everyone back in to that little old place called reality...'cause things are getting too deep now...

Rev's been under a lot of stress lately...perhaps he's sort of raw and out of touch with the sense of humor we all have on here...he's been eating and breathing work and the gravity of it all if he didn't get things done on time and done right...then the "eating crow" thing probably dropped him down a few more notches...he's gonna be alright, though...I know this...I'm psychic...or psychotic...can't remember...oh, and I'm probably bipolar too...that might explain some of this...
biggrin.gif, everyone, laugh...pat yourself on the back for being a great group of guys, and don't take every thing so personally...or, when it's nice and my Busa's back together in one piece, I'm heading south, making a stop in GA and then FL to kick some asses in gear, okay? You guys don't want that, trust me!
Although the post title could have been worded a little differently.  How's this:  "On My Knees...No kneepads, just a little mouthwash and some vaseline"  

WHOA!!!! Thats just wrong!!!!

<span style='color:orangered'>Bulletrain</span>, Bro, no sweat man, I didn't take you the wrong way, I gotcha...

Maybe it is winter time but I haven't nticed any attitude shift...Though I have been missing all of your photos, where's the pics man???

No bad blood here though bro....

I earned everybit of the thrashing here.

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Just wait until Rubberside reads all this.  Rev should not have posted and just saved himself the agony.  There's gonna be trouble...trouble...trouble.


BTW Rev, get you some sleep man.  You're going to need it.

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Michelle's reeling everyone back in to that little old place called reality...'cause things are getting too deep now...

Rev's been under a lot of stress lately...perhaps he's sort of raw and out of touch with the sense of humor we all have on here...he's been eating and breathing work and the gravity of it all if he didn't get things done on time and done right...then the "eating crow" thing probably dropped him down a few more notches...he's gonna be alright, though...I know this...I'm psychic...or psychotic...can't remember...oh, and I'm probably bipolar too...that might explain some of this...
biggrin.gif, everyone, laugh...pat yourself on the back for being a great group of guys, and don't take every thing so personally...or, when it's nice and my Busa's back together in one piece, I'm heading south, making a stop in GA and then FL to kick some asses in gear, okay?  You guys don't want that, trust me!  
Oh VA the peacemaker... or is that Pacemaker?

Anyhoo it's all good, I think if anything I am the one who has been a bit spikey lately...

Thanks though Michelle, I see you got my back...
Rev, dont feel bad, I'm still pissed at Mitch he personally e-mailed me and asked for pictures from Hawaii and that if used they would "pay" for them. Well they only used 1 shot of mine and guess what I never saw a dime or even a free subscription! I let my subscription expire.
Rev you did the right thing.After you get the job ,see if they could use someone to test bikes i'll go with
Ok, I'll try a serious response to this thread...

Good on ya, Rev... Only a class act human bein' can admit when they're wrong, take foot out of mouth, and gracefully gulp down a big ol' heap of crow like that. Please forgive my attempt at humor and take this post as my honest reaction to your original posting here...

(See, if people understood me, the above is what my original reply translates to in "humanese"... only it'd be accompanied with laughter... in a perfect world.)
Ya know BT, you really offeded me with these comments.

Well, I think you did.

Well you could have.

OK I guess it's fine.

Never mind.

Anyone want to go riding?