More funds for bv and pipe


Donating Member
I transfered more funds today from my Paypal to the one's the Captain set up.

Just waiting on a transfer of funds from my bank to my Paypal account. The funds came from Nitrous Junkie(Thank You Sir) by way of Western Union. This should only take a few more business days,then another 200.oo will go into BV's Fund,and another 200.oo will go into Pipes Fund.

I'm just about finished with business of helping those two folks.

Big thanks again to all who helped. RSD.
so, are you leaving after that's done?
Its not good bye, it talk to you soon!!!

I have a thread out there just for you and the housemouse rubb.
so, are you leaving after that's done?
I will take a break from the Admin gig for a while. Till my health improves.

There is a chance I may drive a car one day.(not in the near future,but I won't quit). Most likely wont ever ride again.

I have been talking with a lot of board members lately,by phone,PM,email,etc. We have a great group here.The best.

I'm down,but not out. I won't turn my back on good folks.

If I can help.... Rubbah has your back.

G'night folks....RSD.
Hate to see Rubb down like that. You're a super guy. KEEP THE FAITH DUDE!!