MotoGP Rules


Donating Member
You know Formula 1 proposed to put some of the driving back into the drivers hands and last year Kenny Roberts Jr said he would not mind getting rid of the traction control ect and just race again .

Just last race , Honda gave Nickey some of his throttle back and he picked up his times and was doing well until the crash .

They are not backing in as much cause these 800's for the most part need be rode more like a 250 than a 990 and has been a problem for some riders------sooooo and FWIW-----

I would like to see them delete all of the anti-spin and such and watch them race again . Not that the 800's are dull but I miss the likes of Nickey , Chris V , and others that come from the AMA and WSB ranks squaring the corners a bit  

Bet it won't happen though  

My Random Thought for the moment  
it make no diffirance to truely great ridders like rossi but i did like watching the bigger displacement bikes run
MotoGp should be like F1, the absolute most advance bikes on the Planet ! Where do you guys think we've gotten the performance we have now from
? I remember when 100 HP was unbelieveable from an 1100 cc engine and FORGET having a 200 mph STREET BIKE  
. I just LOVE both F1 and MotoGp for it's advancements. If we don't let them reach, the performance we have will just slow to a trickle  
I love MOTO GP, I tend to ride with a square corner riding style as well and I know how hard it is to change. Give 'em all the technology money can buy I say! Lets just see how far we can go.
Yea I say stick with the technology, it may be harder for some to ride this way but it is where all of the new bikes come from. We don't want MotoGP and motorcycles to be like NASCAR.
Yup, MotoGP should be unrestricted.

Including tires, the new tire rules suck...
I was shocked and bummed when I first learned how many "helpers" are installed on those bikes. Here I just thought they were good riders! Now I don't feel so bad on the race track, struggleing with my breaks, rear tire spin, wheelies and such.... NOBODY rides like MotoGP on the streets and needs all that extra techno-help on normal roads.... why have it in racing? Give them an awesome engine, couple tires and some balance and go at it.

In the end I don't really care what they do, it's still cool to watch. But I am for enhancing the skills of the MAN, not the MACHINE
I'd like to see both, so I don't know which direction I'd prefer them to go. I would sure enjoy racing for both 4 and 2 wheels that is unlimited... which is to say, no rules (or maybe just max weight and dimensions), just be the fastest. Unlimited engine size, performance, computer assistance, etc. I'd like to see what the engineers can come up with.
When we look back at the evolution of Formula 1 , well it has gotten to where the line of cars that run to turn one first ,ended that way . No passing . I mean Nascar has more passing than F1 it seems .

The santioning body took a look and proposed making the drivers foot shift again ,limiting ECU size and more but I have not followed up to see if any of it got done .

Now MotoGP . A supposed premiere unlimited class that limits the tempurature the fuel can be chilled to . Why ? They have fuel capacity limits . They have lowered capacity allowance with these 800's vs the 990's .Why ?

Now a tire rule . Whats next ?

Money money money .There is money in developing those electronics . It's here to stay so it appears .

Maybe the Busa will get a shift light or something from the trickle down effect .

It's all good , just conversation .