My friend went down!


Used to be a SoCal Busa
Donating Member
My friend (who will remain nameless) and I went on a group ride with about 45 different bikes and skill levels. My friend has only been riding for 8 months and allready crashed once, so I gave him the old veteran advice about taking it easy and don't try and keep up(everyone will wait).
To no avail, he took a corner to fast for his skill level, hit the front brake(it sqeaks, and I could hear it right behind him), and laid it down on the pavement. The turn was a hairpin, so he went off the shoulder and down a 9ft drop(typical in the canyons). I was watching and almost forgot to turn myself.
He went down at 45-55mph and down a 9ft drop with a textile jacket, jeans, and tennis shoes. NOT ONE SCRATCH ON HIM!!!! The bike still ran, mirrors and levers still intack. Unbelieveable!! I've laid a bike down in a parking lot at 10mph and was hobblin for weeks with scrapes and bruises.
He rode it for the rest of the ride(5hrs). I hope I'm that lucky next time I go down.
Sounds like your friend was extremely lucky, but glad to hear he was okay! Has he taken an MSF course?
Luck has absolutely nothing to do with that. Anytime something is in your face you should be hurt or worse, that can only be the work of God. Give him glory because next time he may not be so "Lucky". Glad he was alright though, two wake up calls so I think it's time for him to listen.

Yes good advise, he should be listening. Remind him that he should not be riding with a group for a while. 1 or 2 vet riders that know not to egg him on. I have rookie friends that I will not ride with because I know (not kidding) that the sight of my bike will egg them on since they ride Ninjas. So until they become better riders NO thank you.
He's blessed ...
He had hand gloves only that were very thin. His hands came through without a scratch. He was very lucky.
Indeed-- either by the hand of god or charm he remains unscathed. However, fate will find it's way unless he either learns his capabilties real quick and improves his riding skill. Has he taken an MSF class? It's a start.