My GEN 3!!!


My Gen 3
21 M 140 lb
Love this thing
Bought it with 750 miles now she’s at 4k
Heli bars, full Brock’s alienhead, Chris Moore dyno. Would love to hear some recommended mods,, currently looking at a bst carbon set & maybe a few inch extension







Welcome and enjoy the ride .if you have a chance see f you can find
A twist of the wrist on U tube or get the book bye Kieth code . It’s a must
first thing I did when when your age . I’m now 74 and ride this .

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I Have that on dvd and mp4. Those instructional vids are awesome.
Gotta admit though, when I first saw the dvd cover and title, I thought it was an adults section movie
First pic :mad: my chicken strips mad small quit hurtin my feels. The squared off tire was the doin of the first owner
By the looks of that rear tire, this bike is ridden straight between points an and b with turns being rarity.

For the first year that's all I had was square tires - SoCal fwys, easier to reach triple digits than the canyons, and there are so many legendary canyons nearby!
Beautiful Busa and welcome!!

I highly recommend Ken Hill podcast and for an in person school, Champ Riding School by Nick Ienatsch (pronounced ‘eye notch’).

100 points of grip:

Ken Hill:

The champ street is a fantastic option for street riders:
First pic :mad: my chicken strips mad small quit hurtin my feels. The squared off tire was the doin of the first owner
I’m pretty sure he’s kidding. Also who buys a Busa to push the limits of cornering?

Ken Hill Podcast outlines the order of the sport as this:
Vision and Focus
Motor Controls
Bike Placement
Brake Pressure and Brake Timing
Body Position and Body Timing
Turn-in Point and Turn-in Rate

At no point in learning to go fast do you need to focus on leaning over the most.

Guys who show up to the race track and try to ride like that are always the slowest people out there.