My handlebar riser mod.


Donating Member
Hi all,

I am pretty new to the forum, just got my 2004 black & purple Busa a couple of weeks ago.  One of the first things I did was to follow the advice of some here and sent my seat to Tobin for him to do his magic.  While I am waiting for him to finish I decided to see what I could do about inproving the ergonomics a bit for my short frame (5'8" tall).  I picked up an inch thick piece of aircraft nylon and fabricated a spacer to go beneath the top plate.  I know this is available from a commercial source but I wanted to see what I could do.  I ended up spending about $50 on the mod and even though my seat is not back yet I can already tell there will be a huge improvement in comfort reaching for the handlebars.  After fabricating the spacer I edged it with faux carbon fiber vinyl and overall it turned out ok.  

I also used aftermarket dog bones to drop the rear an inch (I tried the max three inches but it looked like I was loosing too much ground clearance).  So, I am hoping I will find that the riser I made along with the inch lower rear end and the seat shaving by Tobin I will have a bike that is a lot more enjoyable to ride without giving up too much performance.

I will try and post a few pictures of the riser I made.

Doglanta (Ken)

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WEll Hell I got to give you credit man, it works, and it doesn't look too bad. A little rough maybe but still... Interesting.
I agree with Revils on that not to shabby at all what did you do for a rise how much? 1 1/4 or more?
I think if I had to do it again I could improve on it some. The thickness of the nylon plate is exactly one inch. I toyed with the idea of going a bit taller but was afraid I might run into cable issues. When I picked up the nylon I also picked up a section of 7/8 aircraft steel tubing, I may play around with it in the near future for a little more handlebar set back.....
Looks Ok..I just love homemade mod's when they turnout as planned..I made four 1 1/2" spacers out of aluminum..longer bolts....Love the feel and control of the bike better. Also slid the forks up 3/4" and lowerd the rear the same with homemade dog bones...Lower center of gravity..untill you feel it you won't believe it.. Like the BUD commercial---true...
Ken, just ask Tobin about any mod parts you might want, as he makes his own dog bones and other parts. There isn't much about a Busa with which he isn't intimately familiar.

Homemade mods are always good to see. The ingenuity of people is always amazing and makes me wish I had some other skills. Hang on I think I feel a tear . . .