
The old lady goes to OZ with the doggies for a few days, comes back saying US supremacy established for sure, if you want a man's job done send a woman, and other stuff about airlines, blue helmets and new world order.

All I know is now I'm a SENIOR MEMBER!!! Can someone email me some ecash? $3 and senior membership gets a Golden Busa at the American Eagle.

PS now I'll get to try the Pirelli tires because her doggie Gomer got into the shed and ate the Bridgestones off the rims. So now she's buying me a Double Bubble sport tourer screen for Christmas.

[This message has been edited by tinhead (edited 23 December 1999).]

[This message has been edited by tinhead (edited 23 December 1999).]
Tinhead, put yer ol' lady on the November 24 thread called WIVES AND PARTNERS.

No coaching or coercion.

We wanna hear the truth about you from her perspective!!!!! (in case we have to blackmail you for something)

All you new members put your sig others on the blower, too!
How can "Gomer", or any other dog "eat the tires off the rims"?- If a dog ate my tires off the rims, i'd kill it-
Whats it going to eat next, your brake lines?

Noted on another thread you are without wife or girlfriend at the time. While I admire your adherence to principle, reality for me and many other men leading lives of quiet desperation is that men will put up with almost anything to get laid. Maybe it wasn't Gomer ate my tires, it could have been the road gophers that stick their heads up and chew off little chunks as I ride by. I got a new screen out of the deal anyway. Merry Christmas!!

Yes THAT American Eagle. Alyssa if tending bar might remember how to make Golden Busa in my absence. If NEW MILLINIUM RESOLUTION to lose weight takes hold I will spend a LOT less time there. Even vast number of people who dislike me want me to reduce, say anything that makes less of me is positive. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

[This message has been edited by tinhead (edited 24 December 1999).]