My Pet Cactus


Dr. Frankenstein
Donating Member
Since I'm still recovering from my crash and not really able to sufficiently use my clutch hand yet and ride, I've been finding ways to entertain myself one of which is to capture the flowering of this cactus on the side of the house. Not sure what kind of cactus it is,maybe someone knows? It truly is a creature.  It's about 5 1/2 ft tall, the first photo with the fuzz to the last one is about 3 months.

Click and max the pics for full views.

My clutch hand, gives you an idea the size of the flowers. The one in the middle thats not open yet will be the photos with the bees in it.

They only open for about a day and a half and thats it, if you blink you'll miss it.

Same evening,already closed. I think there's going to be one more.  Weird plant, it seems not to flower every  year, in fact I've only seen it flower once before in the five years I've been around it and that was only "1" flower, strange. Make sure to max the pics.    enjoy.
