My Post "Smart TRE/IAT Sensor Mod" Ride Report


I Love my Wife!
Donating Member
Well folks...I just got back from my first test ride after installing Ivans "Smart TRE" and performimg a Mod involving the Relocation of the IAT Sensor....and evidently both issues have been/are/were highly debatable both ways but here's how things worked out for me.

I guess to avoid any further confusion at this point I should also go ahead and explain that...

a. I'm not in search of ultimate top-end-rwhp numbers and...

b. While I do toy around in the outlaw drags in deland during daytona's bike week and biketoberfest???...I'm no drag racer either....I'm a hyper sport tourer who loves his curves and sheer power...on a bike big enough and comfortable enough to leave the house on friday afternoon and not get back till sunday evening kinda rider.

And now that THAT'S outta the way???....

c. I already knew that my new busa would be retaining it's stock exhaust for quite some while and I myself (a married father of three growing daughters) didn't want to hafta blow another $1,500-$2,500 on a Full Exhast & PCIII/USB just to get my New Busa's throttle response and bone stock engine running the way I like cause for me???...100FTLBS/160RWHP Stock is more than plenty for the street but things just needed to be "Sweetened Up" a follows.

My first ride experience basically taught me that while my new Busa was far far more light and nimble on it's feet than I had ever expected or dreamed of???...It's throttle was also a tad choppy and surging while in the lower gears at lower revs.

I found that depending who's post I read or who I talked too that there seemed to be a lot of mixed thoughts and emotions on the boards regarding "TRE's" so....I made a call to an old and close friend of mine...the inventor of TRE's....Ivan...and he took the time to explain to me the differences and advantages of theTRE5 aka Ivans "Smart TRE"....and he also made a certain suggestion regarding relocating a certain sensor...and I bet some of you can guess which one. LOL!!! So I did...and here's my first test ride results of plugging in my new "Smart TRE" and Relocating The IAT Sensor...So here's the things I noticed...

1. Once warmed up???...The Idle lope seemed a tad smoother with a noticably richer smell to the exhaust.

2. In the lower revs, In the lower gears???....I didn't hafta "Concentrate and/or Feel For" wether or not Ivans "Smart TRE" was doing it's job or not as it was an "In Your Face" kind of difference and that difference felt much like the many other bikes I've owned in the past where popping in an advancer plate with 3-4 degrees of advance made all the difference in the world of how the bike performed in the lower rev ranges...with an adequate amount of fuel to go along with the air and far more effective ignition timing...and together???...the Smart TRE was like getting a jet kit and timing advancer all in one...and throttle response was still instantaneous but far more controllable in the way it rolled on coming out of a corner exit...with all the grunt and pull it should have...sweet.

3. "Deceleration": I just hafta mention this as the first stoplight I came downshifting up too???...I immediately felt a smile creep upon my face knowing things where much sweeter as soon as I heard that nice "Rythmic Growl" (indicative of a well tuned engine) and not that stumbly "Snap/Crackle/Pop" of your typical fuel starved bone stocker....again...sweet.

and finally???

4. "Engine Temps": During the 150 miles or so of riding I diod before these two simpl and comparitively inexpensive mods??? temp gauges needle could be found hoovering a solid tick above the 1/2 way hash mark...after the mods???...wether I was tooling around town in traffic form stoplight-stoplight or cruisng at a steady 80-100mph out on the interstate???....the temp needle stayed at a steady 2-3 needle widths BELOW the 1/2 way hash mark on the temp gauge...and both occassions were in high 80's/high humidity weather...same wether yet very different temp gauge readings...='ed sweeter yet.

And there ya have it...L8R, Bill.

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Thanks for the report, Bill. I've had Ivan's smart TRE on the shelf for about two weeks and I will give it a try. I hadn't opened it as
I was leaning towarrds returning it since my Busa seems to love the combo of the HMF exhaust/PCIII. The only thing I have noticed is the harshness down low and the pop/rumble pop while decelerating. I need to do the pair valve mod as well. Now to look into this intake air temp sensor thinng.....
How much is it and where can you order them online?

If it IS that sweet, then sign me up!
JINKSTER, thanks for the review! Now... do you think the TRE would help me, now that I already have the PC3 in place

BusaFever, I suppose you can order a Smart TRE from Schnitz Racing! They are very reliable with what they sell
JINKSTER, thanks for the review! Now... do you think the TRE would help me, now that I already have the PC3 in place

BusaFever, I suppose you can order a Smart TRE from Schnitz Racing! They are very reliable with what they sell
shenoyp....bottom line???....I don't know for certain one way or the other as I'm an old CV Carb Tuner and not very familiar with the PC's but as I understand it???...EDITED: It depends upon what model PC you have as to wether or not it has i"Ignition Re-Progamming Features

But before I'd "GUESS" at any of this???...I'd simply call Ivan and ask his he is "The Man"....the inventor/creator of the TRE's...the guy who's done all the testing and IMO???..he'd be the best to ask.

Not sure if that's of any help's the best I got to offer.

L8R, Bill.

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JINKSTER, thanks for the review! Now... do you think the TRE would help me, now that I already have the PC3 in place

BusaFever, I suppose you can order a Smart TRE from Schnitz Racing! They are very reliable with what they sell
shenoyp....bottom line???....I don't know for certain one way or the other as I'm an old CV Carb Tuner and not very familiar with the PC's but as I understand it???...I was going to tell you "YES" at first as the original PC's and PCII's only addressed fuel mapping issues and not "ignition maps" which basically is what the TRE's address...but to answer your question I just read up a bit on the PC's and it appears that the later model PCIII's also open up the ignition mapping for a bit of reprogramming...however...even the PCIII is an "In-Line/In-Series" hardwrae application which still depends on your ECU to collect and adjust for all the info coming from all the engines many sensors and nowq with the PCIII not only are you able to reprogram fuel mapping but you can also attempt thr reprogramming of your ignition mapping...the only problem here is...that dadgum factory programmed timing retardation in the part open throttle positions is still there in the oem now this puts one in a bit of a situation...and begs asking that advance the ignition enough to overcome the retardation in the lower revs via your PCIII???...will that advance carry into the non-retarded higher revs and cause..."DETONATION"

If it doesn't???...Then I'd say...

" don't need a TRE (unless your getting it for purposes of de-restricting 6th gear)"

But if it does???...then I'd say...

"Yes...a TRE is very worth while and will buy you a quicker production and more low-end torque and properly fueled (or with the "SMART TRE") renders a more postive yet smoother throttle response...and no more choppy throttle surging during roll-ons when coming out of corner exits."

But before I'd "GUESS" at any of this???...I'd simply call Ivan and ask his he is "The Man"....the inventor/creator of the TRE's...the guy who's done all the testing and IMO???..he'd be the best to ask.

Not sure if that's of any help's the best I got to offer.

L8R, Bill.
quit posting unless you know facts.
PC2 did do timing and fuel please get it right. and youstill haven't answered the question of how thw AIT sensor makes the water temp guage read lower, even though you say the mod works you are the only person in the world that got that result , so your facts are not valid.
Plus the almighty "TRE" does NOT work on every bike I have posted many times on why it helps some and not others and it has nothing to do with timing.
Here is a REAL fact.... you can make the busa run sweet with just fuel mapping no timing.
Bottom line is If you have a PC2-3R or usb you do not need a TRE Period. If you don't have a PC2-3R-usb and you will never buy one then you can use a bandaid and it MIGHT work. But I would rather just buy the resistor for less than a buck than spend 75.00 and it doesn't help.

Johnny is correct...PCII's did have ignition bad...I apologize...but not ALL Model PC's have such and many are "Fuel Only" so...wether or not a TRE or SMART TRE can be of any service depends upon which PC you have.

My Apologies Mr. Cheese. L8, Bill.

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You are way out of line and just proved what others have been thinking since your reply in the other TRE thread! At least know what your posting about before you start sh*t!. As for the PC, your way off. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.....

It seems that you know everything already so I won't bother any longer with you.....

Boy you guys sure are quiuck to come slamming down on a comment I started out with....

"shenoyp....bottom line???....I don't know for certain one way or the other as I'm an old CV Carb Tuner and not very familiar with the PC's but as I understand it???..."

and ended off with...

"But before I'd "GUESS" at any of this???...I'd simply call Ivan and ask his he is "The Man"....the inventor/creator of the TRE's"

I was told that tye busa boards are 3 shades darker than any other OA's I've been a member of....and that's a Damn shame.

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Boy you guys sure are quiuck to come slamming down on a comment I started out with....

"shenoyp....bottom line???....I don't know for certain one way or the other as I'm an old CV Carb Tuner and not very familiar with the PC's but as I understand it???..."

and ended off with...

"But before I'd "GUESS" at any of this???...I'd simply call Ivan and ask his he is "The Man"....the inventor/creator of the TRE's"

I was told that tye busa boards are 3 shades darker than any other OA's I've been a member of....and that's a Damn shame.

Read the first sentence in your last post......

Pot calling the kettle Black aren't ya.....

Bottom line......treat others as you would want to be treated and you'll make a lot more friends on this site.....we are a fair bunch!
Boy you guys sure are quiuck to come slamming down on a comment I started out with....

"shenoyp....bottom line???....I don't know for certain one way or the other as I'm an old CV Carb Tuner and not very familiar with the PC's but as I understand it???..."

and ended off with...

"But before I'd "GUESS" at any of this???...I'd simply call Ivan and ask his he is "The Man"....the inventor/creator of the TRE's"

I was told that tye busa boards are 3 shades darker than any other OA's I've been a member of....and that's a Damn shame.

Read the first sentence in your last post......

Pot calling the kettle Black aren't ya.....  

Bottom line......treat others as you would want to be treated  and you'll make a lot more friends on this site.....we are a fair bunch!  
Got-Busa?....ya know what???'re right...and I guess I have possibly come on a little too strong...product of my own over-excitement of finally owning the bike I've lusted for so long apologies training says the worlds a rerflection of ones self...and apparently???...lately???...I've bee one ugly SOB!!! LOL!!!

Anyways..I did like what the smart tre did do for my bone stocker...outside of that???...I guess I'm better off just not commenting..but I do need to find the best place to order up some genmars or reaper risers.

L8R, Bill.
ahhh... count to 10..... wooossahhh.....

I can hook ya up with reaper risers man himself.. gimme yer email.
Jinx, I'm not bashing anyone. Some of it can be proven with numbers, some of it is a matter of opinion. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, of course. I'm just wondering if you are going to ride with a couple of local fellow Busa riders.

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ahhh...    count to 10.....    wooossahhh.....

I can hook ya up with reaper risers man himself.. gimme yer email.
cache...thanks for the psych session...I hate my anger management classes...looking into Tia Chi. LOL!!!

And thanks for the offer on the connect with Reaper man but...I just got off the horn with Genmar MFG....1 1/4" rise is on it's way.

L8R, Bill.
Jinx, I'm not bashing anyone. Some of it can be proven with numbers, some of it is a matter of opinion. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, of course. I'm just wondering if you are going to ride with a couple of local fellow Busa riders.
Bronc...would love to meet and ride with a few local Busa riders...I'm thinking about running out towards Sebring this wekend...wanna meet me at the Flying J (Truck Stop Off Of Orange Ave/I-95) Sunday???....I know some roads...

L8R, Bill.
Sounds like you ride the same areas that we do. I am pretty sure I can make it, I'll check with a couple others to see if they can as well. Flyin' J is fine with me. sometimes we meet up at the Pilot, head out 70, hook it north on Berman Rd and work our way out Eagle Island Road, etc. Whatever route we take, I'm game.