My Son's moving to...........


Amsterdam and he will not need his bike which is to be stored in my garage beside the 'Busa.

It will of course have to be ridden to keep it ticking over and the battery charged. Well someone's got to do it and it might as well be me.

Oh eh, what bike is it, well its got 800 miles on the clock, it's yellow, single sided swinging arm, twin Termignonis ( oops that's given it away!) which are very,very LOUD. It's one of the last Ducati 748Rs brought into the UK. I certainly will not find it as comfortable as the 'Busa but what the hell, I could do with wakening up our Neighbours from Hell next door. One thing about the Duc, they are all lousy starters and you really need to pin the throttle when its slightly warmed up. Do you think they will be annoyed, I do hope so!
I am sure you will be able to be real annoying.
I'm sure it will be a burden for you to test beat it while he is gone... send it to the US so all us other members can try it out.
Hey Delboy I know what you mean as far as Neighbors from hell I have some next to that are separated by a small canal. They call the police one day because they said my dog was barking, My Athena only barks when there is something to bark AT. She is well trained, I don't even need a leash to walk her or control her. Besides He doesn't have any pets but every single house that surrounds him does have dogs including across the street from him. He says it's only me. What an ASS nobody in the neighbor likes them. He has only lived here for about 2 years. What's his problem I don't know but I am just waiting for payback. How,when,where I don't know yet but one day it will come.
This is a pic of Athena. I adopted her she is 1 1/2 yrs