My wife took a spill

Glad your wife is okay, Hope she is back up and riding soon!!


For those of you that got the opportunity to read that poem posted to our board by another rider!
I appreciate everyones' concern. Thank you. And CuriousMike, I checked the pressure and it was ok - 32 lbs front and rear.
My theory is and according to Motorcycle Safety instructors, the same applies...

everyone is gonna crash once in their riding careers.....

I am just glad no one got hurt in that one.
It was a 30 mph low side in a 170 degree hairpin curve. She's not hurt, just some rash from the friction with her leathers and her knee is sore.

She's been riding two years now. Took the MSF riding course. Rides a Honda 650 GT Hawk.At first I wasn't comfortable when we rode together. I spent all of my time watching her in my mirror, worrying about her. But, we've taken a few 500 mile trips together and she has rode flawlessly. I was getting more comfortable about her riding.

Yesterday, we decided to ride out to this recreational area. It was very hot and since we were going to take it easy, we were only going in tee shirts. For some reason, at the last second, we decided to put on full leathers. We were going down this long, steep grade with a lot of switchbacks and a right handed hairpin at the bottom. I went through it and looked back to see her sliding across the road. Now, that is a sickning sight, to see your gorgeous wife sliding across the pavement. Her leathers were torn slightly in a couple of places and her Shoei had a big scrape on it.

What happened? She said she was off the brake and on the gas slightly to settle the suspension just as she had been taught. She had no hint that anything was wrong so there was no panic. She had a feeling of a normal lean and then suddenly she leaned a lot and was down. She didn't touch the brake. Upon walking the area, I noticed that at the apex there was a two foot wide paved shoulder that dropped off at a much steeper angle than the roadway. We think she cut the apex too tight and got her wheels on this steep shoulder.

It scared me a lot more than it did her. I think I wish she would stop riding, but I don't think she intends to. Three months ago, I took a bad spill (mechanical failure on a ZX-11) and she didn't complain when I bought a Hayabusa to replace it so I can't complain when she gets back on a bike. I don't think I'll ever really be comfortable with her riding though.

We have both wrecked now without either accident, at first inspection, being our fault. (From the bike, that steep shoulder looked like a normal part of the road. I lost the ZX-11 when the front brake locked with only a slight tap of the lever)

Accidents can come at any time. Don't ride in fear of one but do ride with a healthy respect for what can happen, dress wisely and keep your bike well maintained.
Glad your wife is ok,my wife went down in traffic and slid between two trucks and I thought she was run over by the 18 wheeler truck but she came out ok,only bad thing we took off our leathers in Sacarmento before heading to Reno and the accident occured at Dutchman Flat.Guy in a snow plow truck going slow in the fast lane and 18 wheeler in the slow lane going 5mph and her inexperince with her new Harley Heritage caused some of the problem/accident.Took her 4 months to heal and that is one of the reason she wants both Harleys sold. Anyways hope your wife rides again and ride safe.
Yes, after 8 quite ballistic somersaults in the beautiful swedish forrests, trying to headbang a deforestation I have decided to change my way of life. I did finally realise that taking narrow curves in a speed of 130 km/hr was not possible with hardly any kind of bike (empirically founded by demolishing a lot of different bikes from RD350 to ZX-10).

So now,36 years old, in my final stage of life, I have setteld down with a 300hp Turbo Hayabusa just going straight forward in an almost sexual speed and the only thing I have to look forward to is the NO2-system that I am goning to install next year. Thank you for your masculine concern!

/Femail Sonic Boom
BRM, glad your wife, and you, didn't have serious injuries when you went down. I can understand your concern about her getting back on the bike, but she's got to live her life. It's best when your women lives it with you and not for you, although the latter isn't that far behind :).

Just tell her to take it easy at first, some folks feel they have to push the envelope to prove they didn't lose their nerve ya know.
First, glad your wife is okay.

Like my flight instructor said "Any crash you can walk away from was not a crash, just a learning experince, so learn from it. Never make the same mistake twice".