My wife wants to learn to drive, would a....

...9 second street car with a manual transmission, no safety equipment, no roof, and tops out at 190 mph+ be a good starter vehicle?

Depends on your wife, if she's about all that I wouldn't hesitate. Mine didn't start driving till she was 23 or 24 so I wouldn't do it fir her but more fir the reason i sold thre bike i bought her before teaching her to ride and that's my lack of trust in other people. Of course if your buying the car "for her" and when she doesn't get it u get to keep it then definitely go for it. :thumbsup:
Pics and build sheet ? If it looks good enuff,I'll marry you.
I need a grocery getter.
You married someone who couldn’t drive? :eek: I taught my kids to drive years before they were licensed. First on my lap and then next to them. But a wife? A grown woman?:laugh:
You married someone who couldn’t drive? :eek: I taught my kids to drive years before they were licensed. First on my lap and then next to them. But a wife? A grown woman?:laugh:
I had a few significant others that never bothered to drive.Why would they when Ol' Rubb can chauffeur them around. They always felt safe and comfy on the back of my bikes. One time I looked up to the sky thinking its raining 'cause I felt some moisture on my neck. Nope,not raining...drool from my sleeping beauty on the back of my harley bagger.
They can get used to our free "taxi service."