

Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned
Donating Member
OK, I know a lot of you have given your busas women's names and rightly so, its pretty hard to ignore the inherent beauty of the busa and compare it to a beautiful woman, with all the curves and whatnot....but I was thinking of going with the whole western themed horse name, what do you think of "trigger"? I can't think of a good enough woman's name and I kind of dig the the whole loner, western, steel horse thing.
Yeah, I think Western style names could be cool... But I think they need to be thought out a bit as well... I dunno, Trigger just may not suit a Busa... I dunno if it's a tough enough name...

The important thing really I guess would be to choose a name that has meaning or is special to you. Don't force it, and see what you come up with.
if your into westerns check out this site for bike accessories

got hand gun footpegs and bullet shell bar ends.

I think women names are played out try something original. and then base your paint scheme of it
Mine was named Cheetara by Highside before the Busa came back to me. I have no idea where she gcame up with that name.

She's just my Baby now!! closed, link removed

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Well the name I gave my Busa was strictly for nostalgic and sentimental reasons. When I was younger (wayyyyy back in da day...
), I used to have a fascination with Jayne Kennedy, so I decided to name my baby Kennedy after one of the most beautiful women in the world back then. Now she's just "thick in da waist and takin' up space..."
Still I give my baby in her honor.
The important thing really I guess would be to choose a name that has meaning or is special to you.  Don't force it, and see what you come up with.
Definitely!  Let it come naturally and you'd be surprised at what you come up with.
I agree totally.. don't rush a thing like a name for something so beautiful, aggressive, fulfilling... you get the picture. I am still waiting on a name.. it will come some day I know, but until then she is just "My Baby"....
Ok, thanks for the inuput sounds good I will wait a while, I just hope she doesn't tell me her name in one of those push the envelope, pucker
kind of moments or is that when it happens??