National Ride to Work day - July 19th 2000


Just wanted to pass this along in case you aren't already aware. This is important stuff!

A note from Andy Goldfine of Aerostich:

Dear Rider,

A ninth annual nationwide "Ride to Work Day" will take place on Wednesday July 19th or this year. Please ride your motorcycle to work on this day to demonstrate:

A) The number of motorcyclists to the general public and to politicians.
B) That motorcyclists are from all occupations and all walks of life.
C) That motorcyclists can reduce traffic congestion in large cities.
D) That motorcycles are for transportation as well as recreation. "Ride to Work Day" can change public attitudes about motorcycling in ways that will benefit all enthusiasts. Your participation is important. Please tell your friends.

Thanks for riding to work!

Andy Goldfine
Factory,I ride everyday to work,you should see the motorcycle parking during the winter rainy season,only one bike out there and it's mind,what happened to all the Harleys that use to park out there.Just kidding Harley riders!!Ride safe
There are a lot of us that ride every day. In addition to those that ride every day, there are still a lot of motorcylcists who need to be heard and seen from. Let's all ride tomorrow.
Factory,most guys in my area only ride on weekends due to alot of Harley owners plus everyday you hear on the radio early morning report of a motorcycle car accident normally on Highway 101 from San Jose or San Francisco area,another biker kill freeway is Hwy 880 form Santa Cruz to San Jose. The bad drivers some time use the commute lane to get around a slow driver and will not signal when they get in the commute lane and they some time take out a motorcycle rider who is riding down the commute lane. Alot of drivers in the valley San Jose Santa Clara are to busy on their cell phone or don't use their signal to change lanes and that is why alot of motorcycle riders ride on weekend only. Ride Safe tomorrow

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 19 July 2000).]
Shoot! I'm off today. Can I ride to someone elses work? It has to be in the Portland Metro area. My rear tire is looking a lot like the top of my head.
I did get a chance to get out and around San Jose some today and I think there are actually a few more bikes on the street. I always ride in traffic here it keeps life exciting.

I rode to work today, as I do almost everyday. I expected to see more bikes than usual but did not see a single one (less than usual, in other words).

The idea of a "Ride to Work Day" is a good one but it doesn't seem to be publicized enough, if at all. If bike owners aren't aware of it, then the general public certainly won't be.
Cisco - I do understand that. There are a lot of ways to make people and politicians aware of motorcycles - this is just one of them.
Rode in this morning 5:25am only me on road with bike. Parking lot no other bike at 5:30am and now it's 8am looked out the window only three other bike,looks like alot of people did not get the message.
Yes, I rode to work today. Like every other day for the past 8 years.
"Fair Day" riders today were easy to spot; they get in my way when I'm splitting traffic.
"Oooh... I don't think I can squeeze thru there."
Wobble wobble.
Mash on brakes.

I think "Ride to Work Day" IS A BAD IDEA. You get guys who ride weekends only out in traffic who haven't built up "the feel" for riding in traffic everyday, and they're likely to get hurt.
Hayawiz - It's your duty to just ride around all day. Work is not important.

CM - don't discourage the part timers. How are they going to get any better?? :)
An easier way would be to insist that government officials have a report generated showing all the registered motorcycles in your state. Within that report the numbers should break out into local and per capita percentages.
I personally think that Andy's attempt to get everyone on two wheels is very likely going to be a flop.

I can't imagine that very many people will want to get on two wheels out in traffic. Those that do, will do it/have done it on their own without any urging. We're a pretty special breed.
We have the same day in South Africa . we call it Commute by Scoot Day and was a great success this year