Need a right rear passenger footpeg gen 1


Lily's Daddy
was ridding around and ran into a friend of mine with a busa, I was telling him how cool the stock rear footpegs look after you take the rubber off and polish them, bent down to show him and one of them had lost the c-clip while i was ridding and who knows what street now has a shinny new foot peg on now I need a footpeg, the pin, spring, and flat waser/and ball bearing....LOL

@#$%^ anyone have one?
here is the one I need

heres how they look with the rubber off of them just for reference...also notice I cut off the exhaust hanger and polished them up..the pictures dont do them justic they are real shinny


Pretty. When did you do that? I guess it's been a while since we have ridden together. That, or im one unobservant bastige...:laugh:
about 3 weeks ago I was going to show you yesterday when you was in the driveway but I figured I made you wait in the car long enough already..LOL
I think I have one. I'll pm ya once I get home :thumbsup: your on your own with the hardware