Need an artist


So recently we lost my stepmother to a short battle with a rare brain disease. My father has always loved that famous painting of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean on a motorcycle. My family and I would like to have a painting done for my dad. It would be that painting but instead of James and Marilyn it would be my dad and my stepmother. They would be in the same clothing, same facial expressions and everything. My stepmother would have faint wings that you can see through and over her head would be a light glow, like a halo without a defined circle. So, we are looking for a artist that could do this for us. Anybody know any artists? Any help is greatly appreciated!
i know this may sound funny, but try your local tattoo artist, some of those guys do amazing work, just not on skin
Best of luck, I will not throw my Paint skillz in on this one. Great gesture.