Need help finding a post


PacificBusa, I believe it was, submitted pictures of what happens to the human body when you are a tishirt and jeans and get in a crash. I'm trying to find the picures. My wife who would ride pillion only w/ me thinks she would not need gear to ride w/ me. I know that is BS and would like to show her what happens when you don't wear torso armor protection or abrasive resistant pants, boots, gloves, etc.

Pacicfic posted some great pics that I believe would change her mind.
Thanks pipe...this well help stress my point on wearing full protection. You just may have saved a life.
<span style='color:darkred'><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:papyrus'>WHO BECKONS??</span></span></span>
hehe....looks like my boy Pipe has it all covered.
Get yer lil lady geared up, me.