Need HELP! New fairings


Looking to get new fairings for the bike. Anyone have a good recomendation? Not looking for the OEM price, way out of my price range. Any help would be awesome, been a few years since I've looked at this!
Ive been buying piece by piece since that is all I can afford from ebay or hayabusa/buy/sell/trade on facebook. The current fairing on mine is aftermarket and has cracked where the bolts go in, burnt, disformed in places, just bad quality. I just lost my faith in the aftermarket kit. I don't know what brand I have or if the other stuff mentioned previous is better but the ebay originals that I have bought with slight imperfections are nice and I will touch up the paint a bit since I have some experience with that.
Having dealt with some aftermarket plastics....not a fan.
search on this site, and on FB for the OEM parts from individuals who have a bike that got nicked in the garage or they laid theirs down and Ins. is paying for replacement parts so now they have slightly-rashed spares--they all fit great, just need some TLC to the cosmetics and you'll be GTG.

I just picked up an entire Busa bodywork set, minus the tank cuz mine is ok, for under $800. Thats a nose, both big side fairings, tail section, front fender, all 4 inner fairing pieces, and the belly wing too--all in near-perfect shape:)

Good luck with your search:beerchug:
A few years back when I had to put my 07 back together, I found a full set of black 02 OEM fairings including tank on eBay for $650 shipped! They were in pretty good condition.
I have ordered from them with the same fear/apprehension/ready for disappointment feelings that others have expressed. Received my set and had a cracked tab and misaligned decals. They sent a replacement and haven't had any issues. Must admit that there was quite a time delay in processing the order, so be prepared if you go that route. Would have preferred to buy individual pieces and have painted, but didn't want to wait. They are not exact replacements, but for the most part work just fine. Others here and on other sites have reviewed them so do a search to get all the information you can before making a decision.
You say oem is out of your price range but its not if you buy leas at a time. Istead of getting a whole kit for 800 from hong kong you could probly get a tail and a nose piece oem. Then look for side fairings at tax time. I recently priced gen II oem sides at 425 a side with upper, lower, decal, ect. So 850 a set brandnew oem. I would rather have two brand spankin new oem sides than 5 chinese kits.