need help on wheel base


The suzuki website is not cooperating with me, I am looking into getting a ramp to put the Busa in the back of my truck to take accross country with me when I return.

I know that the wheel base is like 58.7 inches or something but I am assuming that is from axle to axle. Does anyone know off the top of their heads or can go measuer what the distance is from the front of the front tire to the rear of the rear tire.

I want to be able to close the tail gate to the truck which I drive a 02 Dodge ram Pickup regular 6 foot bed. The ramp closes up to 5 feet, I just need to know the bike.

Thanks in advance for someones help.
17 inch rim, plus 3 inches on each side for the tire. puts wheelbase at approximately 78.7 inches. sorry, i'd measure, but i'm 6000 miles away from my bike, and i don't want to wake my wife up at 5 am to tell her to go measure. you can probably guess what she'd tell me to do.:rofl:
Ok I saw the 7 foot part but the tail sticks out farther then the wheel does. So does that change the distance from the edge of tire to tire?
Just measured mine, and from the front tire to the rear of the fender it is 81 1/2" or 7' 11 1/2" . So let's just say 8 Feet :beerchug:
Does the ram bed have a lip in the front? I have one in my Dakota that required me to move the Busa back a few inches because it scratched the front fender. I installe a harbor frieght wheel chock to take care of the problem. I installed Rivnuts in the bed so the chock can be installed or taken out in less than a minute. You can see the paint transfer just above the chock in the pic. With the bike in the chock, it goes back just a little over 6 1/2 feet. Second pic show it loaded. The Dakota bed is 6 1/2' long, so you shouldn't have a problem if you don't need to move it back.


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