Need help

Excuse me, but what in da hell iz a rear lowering bracket ?
Excuse me, but what in da hell iz a rear lowering bracket ?  
Awe come on playa, you know he's probably talking about links.  Ain't nobody using 'brackets' to lower bikes!  haha

If he is talking about links, it's pretty simple.  Lift the bike, remove the old one and replace with the new one.  The longer you make it the lower the bike gets.

Hardest part is figuring out how to lift the bike without using a rear stand, since you have to relieve the pressure from the rear suspension.

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I'm working on a DIY and will post soon.  Here are my lowering links I got from spencecycle for $108 shipped tmd.


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I'm working on a DIY and will post soon.  Here are my lowering links I got from spencecycle for $108 shipped tmd.

Hey, thought you had brackets to lower the bike.  
I scrapped that project once I found a steel set rather than going with the alumium onez. I'll be working on a procedure for lowering and raising .

So I can raise the rear and front for touring and drop it down for those cool point while rydn local or when I ditch my luggage when I arrive at my designation when I'm out of town.