Need some opinions on a tattoo


So here in a couple weeks Im going to get a tattoo, Im wanting suggestions on what It will be script from close to my wrist to near my elbow on my inner forearm. So far Im thinking of putting STRONGER, from the saying that what dosent kill us makes us stronger. Little quick summary on my background and why I want that. 3 months ago my wife of 7 years decided see wanted to be single, times have been tough starting my own business in Feb this year and I think the stress got to her and she decided running was easier than for better or WORSE lol. Its been a scary, emotional year for me with all thats going on and I want something to remember it all but be motivational. So now you know alittle about why I want the tat now I want to know what ideas you guys have or if my idea is the way to go. After I decide and go get it done Ill post picks up. Thanks guys and gals.
Words are always straight to the point... but if you want a different approach and get something as a symbol you can maybe get like a Phoenix rising from could even get Stronger tattooed in the flames.... but thats just an one idea theres a million others out there... thats the best part of tattoos you can do whatever it is YOU want !
damn bro, I went though some simular bs with my wife (then gf), everything worked out, however I got my nautical stars to simbolize a source of guidence through struggle, as did sailors in the past reffering to the north star. and also to remind me there's a light at the end of the tunnel...:whistle: woman can be evil




I suggest thinking long and hard about visible ink. Some potential employers may not share your vision about your tattooed symbolism, some may consider it poor judgement. I personally like ink but I've seen some, as we all may have, that makes you wonder "what the heck were they thinking".

Good luck with whatever you decide and don't forget to post some pics.....
I suggest thinking long and hard about visible ink. Some potential employers may not share your vision about your tattooed symbolism, some may consider it poor judgement. I personally like ink but I've seen some, as we all may have, that makes you wonder "what the heck were they thinking".

Good luck with whatever you decide and don't forget to post some pics.....
I second this recommendation. Speaking as a professional, keep it off your neck and above your wrists so a long sleeve shirt covers if you ever decide on a new career direction.

For what it is worth, "Stronger" happens in your head and in your heart. No amount of ink will make a difference. Think about it.
This Dont Get Ink On Your Neck Or Hands Advice MAKES ME ANGRY ! ! !


LOL just kidding... but ya thats probably good advice I doubt I will be getting hired for an office job any time soon... not that I would ever want to but still that door is pretty much closed for me ! Something to consider
I would recommend not getting any ink. You are making the decision while still mentally messed up from what has happened. The ink is forever and they all look like crap down the road. They all turn a funky shade of green over time. Also, the intial saying that your taking "stronger" from is not true. I would suggest not getting a tattoo and just going on with your life. But, it is your decision in the end. In my worthless opinion, 95% of the tattoos I have ever seen don't look any good, most are ugly! Especially big tats on a fat chick! Yuk!
get whatever you want. how it lasts and fades over time has alot to do with the quality of the artist, machine and ink. i personally wont go below my sleeve but if your in a field of work that it doesnt matter go for it...

just dont get all flapped up when nay sayers start running their head about how unprofessional you look...

just dont do old english for the love of little 6lbs nine oz baby jesus.:please::please:

heres my sons name on meh bicep


like jake i also have nautical stars.... sailor used to use the stars as guiding light soooo

In my worthless opinion, 95% of the tattoos I have ever seen don't look any good, most are ugly! Especially big tats on a fat chick! Yuk!

I don't understand how a young girl with beautiful skin tones would want
to blemish with an ugly tat.
By the way, Irishluck, I am not anti-tat. It's not my thing, but this is a personal choice and I don't hold it against somebody for doing it.
3 months ago my wife of 7 years decided see wanted to be single, times have been tough starting my own business in Feb this year and I think the stress got to her and she decided running was easier than for better or WORSE lol. Its been a scary, emotional year for me.
Having been in business for myself, having had several very difficult years, having almost lost my house and my family, I know where you are coming from. You've got the strength inside you already. Keep your core, brother, keep your integrity, because that's the best thing you've got going for you.
I would recommend not getting any ink. You are making the decision while still mentally messed up from what has happened. The ink is forever and they all look like crap down the road. They all turn a funky shade of green over time. Also, the intial saying that your taking "stronger" from is not true. I would suggest not getting a tattoo and just going on with your life. But, it is your decision in the end. In my worthless opinion, 95% of the tattoos I have ever seen don't look any good, most are ugly! Especially big tats on a fat chick! Yuk!

I agree, don't do it. Not a good time in your life to get one for the wrong reason. A negative act. The tat will not fix the problem.
I say, Give it at least 6 months and if you still feel the same then do it. Tats are forever and you may regret it one day. Like buying something, if you wait a week the urge may pass and you may say, Whew, I'm glad I didn't do that.
I second this recommendation. Speaking as a professional, keep it off your neck and above your wrists so a long sleeve shirt covers if you ever decide on a new career direction.

For what it is worth, "Stronger" happens in your head and in your heart. No amount of ink will make a difference. Think about it.

Why don't you get something cool looking to hang on a wall or paint on your bike. Tats to me are like buying jeans that have holes in the knees. At least you can throw the jeans away. Tats can't be removed. They can be replaced with scars, and doing that is expensive and painful.